A Chance Encounter

Lawrence is seen here with his family and in the centre L to R Fiona Davidson, lead fundraiser, Diablo (one of the many ponies) & Debbie Clark, volunteer coordinator.

A report from W. Bro Lawrence Henson

Following a chance encounter whilst with his grandchildren at a children’s play park, W. Bro. Lawrence Henson of Villiers Lodge No 1194 chatted with Fiona Davidson, lead fundraiser from Quest RDA, a charity dedicated to horse riding for the disabled. Subsequent to this meeting a cheque for £200 from the MCF was donated to the Charity and Lawrence was invited to the Chobham stables to make the presentation, accompanied by his son and twin grandchildren all of whom enjoyed an enlightening time inspecting the horses and the facilities.  They found out more about the wonderful work that the charity does helping the disabled to learn to ride and the beneficial effect that it has on their physical & mental wellbeing. The Chobham stables cater for 60 disabled riders per week and has a waiting list.  Without such donations RDA would soon be unable to carry on this good work. Running costs amount to circa £60,000 per annum.

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