W. Bro Alan Peters presents this report from the Lodge of Aspiration 6086.
“The regular meeting of the Lodge of Aspiration No 6086 which took place on 23rd September 2024 was anything but regular.
The Lodge had been asked by Barn Hill Lodge No 7799 conduct the ceremony of Raising on their behalf. Brother Khartiegeayan Subramaniam was duly Raised by the Worshipful Master, W. Bro Stephen Goldberg and W. Bro Ian Rose in a delightful ceremony.
Barn Hill Lodge is a member of the Universities Scheme, and they have enough work for each meeting to merit passing some on to another Lodge under Rule 173, Book of Constitutions – Conferment of Degrees by Request. This was a wonderful opportunity to help out.
Nine years ago, the Lodge of Aspiration ‘adopted’ the Lodge of Orleans No 7955. Some of the older serving Brethren of Lodge of Orleans may remember W Bro Wolf Rosenberg who passed away many years ago. By sheer coincidence he was also a member of Barn Hill Lodge. Despite our many thousands of members, it can be a very small Masonic world.

Worshipful Brother Lucille LGR
The Lodge was then Called Off and a rather unique event took place.
W. Bro/Mrs Lucille Parker, wife of the late W Bro Sydney Parker, was escorted into the Lodge to receive a Certificate posthumously celebrating his 60 years of devoted service to Freemasonry. Many women coming into the Lodge might feel fascinated but Lucille Parker has been a Lady Mason since 1966 and is a member of Doric Lodge No 11 and Lodge of Wisdom No 55 in the Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons. She is a Worshipful Brother and has London Grand Rank, so is well used to a Masonic environment.
W. Bro Ian Rose presented the Certificate to Mrs. Parker in a delightful but sensitive manner, and she was most appreciative of this wonderful tribute to her late husband. She thanked the Worshipful Master and Brethren most sincerely and stated how much Freemasonry meant to Sydney. She was only sad that he wasn’t alive to receive the certificate himself”.