A Grand Occasion At Barn Hill Lodge

BACK ROW L TO R: JAMES HILDITCH (President of the University Scheme and PGM of Oxfordshire), SIR DAVID WOOTTON (Chairman of the University Scheme and DGM), DR FIRIAD HIWAIZI (WM of the Lodge), PETER BAKER (ProPGM), JIM MITCHELL (APGM). FRONT ROW: L TO R: Bros RAFAAY, EAYAN, STANLEY AND KITZI. BACK ROW L TO R: JAMES HILDITCH (President of the University Scheme and PGM of Oxfordshire), SIR DAVID WOOTTON (Chairman of the University Scheme and DGM), DR FIRIAD HIWAIZI (WM of the Lodge), PETER BAKER (ProPGM), JIM MITCHELL (APGM). FRONT ROW: L TO R: Bros RAFAAY, EAYAN, STANLEY AND KITZI.

Masonry Universal in Middlesex

Barn Hill Lodge No 7799 was the second Middlesex Lodge to join the University Scheme (following Ruislip St Martins, no 9125, and followed by Bushey Park Lodge, no 2831) and has been paired up with Middlesex University since 2019. University Scheme Lodges are paired with a particular University and commit to Initiate, Pass and Raise a students as quickly as possible, and help a smooth transfer to another Lodge when they finish their course and return home or move away for work.

Harrow based Barn Hill has Initiated a number of students from Middlesex University and continues to attend the freshers fair alongside members of the Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons (HFAF), who have a Women’s Lodge which also meets at Harrow. Both continue to build ties with Middlesex University. University Scheme Lodges also received unsponsored enquires from students living in the local area via last year’s UGLE National Digital Marketing Campaign, which worked very well in attracting prospective members. Barn Hill Lodge has been growing into a diverse, young and lively Lodge, and these unsponsored candidates completely fit the bill.

Another dimension of the University Scheme is that the Chairman, Deputy Grand Master Sir David Wootton, is committed to visiting scheme Lodges and chose to visit Barn Hill Lodge at their Regular meeting on 11th April 2023 meeting.

The Lodge rose to the occasion and lined up four students for Initiation – from Middlesex, Brunel, BPP and the University of Greenwich. It was important for the Lodge to deliver a strong Taylor’s ceremony, and it made a commitment to a programme of Lodges of Instruction as well as lining up extra Deacons and a Director of Ceremonies. During these rehearsals the Lodge identified various logistical issues in the floor work.


Respecting Religious Traditions.

For instance, the requirement for two parallel kneeling benches in the relevant places and the need on the pedestal for more space to place the Volumes of the Sacred Law (as two of the Candidates were Christian, one Hindu and the other a Muslim).

On the day there was an excited buzz in the air as the Lodge met early for Tea (and to make sure the four Candidates had arrived). The Pro Provincial Grand Master Peter Baker, Assistant Provincial Grand Master Designate Jim Mitchell and Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies Elect Mark Millard had arrived, and then the Assistant Grand Master, his Escorting Officer Jonathan Lambert and the President of the University Scheme and Provincial Grand Master of Oxfordshire James Hilditch.

The Lodge was opened by Worshipful Master Dr Firiad Hiwaizi, and usual Lodge business conducted at speed before the Pro Grand Master was escorted in, with the University Scheme President, Middlesex Pro Provincial Grand Master, Assistant Provincial Grand Master and Past Pro Provincial Grand Master Roger Croome, Past Assistant Provincial Grand Masters Christopher Connop and Nigel Codron, Metropolitan Grand Inspector Tony Shepherd and Deputy Metropolitan Grand Communications Officer Trevor Koschalka. It was quite an entrance – and when they were sat, there were 90 present – perhaps the largest meeting Barn Hill Lodge has undertaken.

The Worshipful Master requested that the Immediate Past Master Jon Pentel take the chair and the four Candidates were Initiated in parallel by the Lodge with the support of visitors Oz Rankohi of Jubilee Lodge acting as a fourth Deacon and Ian Bogart of Invictus Lodge acting as a third Director of Ceremonies.

After the ceremony the Deputy Grand Master Sir David Wootton congratulated the Initiates and welcomed them into the Craft, and the Pro Provincial Grand Master Peter Baker welcomed them into the Middlesex Province, presenting each with Initiates Packs.

The Deputy Grand Master then presented a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Siu, who was the first Candidate which the Lodge had attracted from Middlesex University, who has now moved to Kent and would soon be transferring to another Lodge.

After Bro Secretary Omaid Hiwaizi had read applications for Initiation from another four Candidates and one from a Joining Member, the Lodge was then Closed. The Brethren retired to the Bar and enjoyed a very lively Festive Board.

cropped group

The Four Initiates In Grand Company

Notable highlights were DGM Sir David complementing the Lodge on conducting a quadruple Initiation, and that he would be taking that message to other University Scheme Lodges as an encouragement to conducting multiple ceremonies, he also noted that there were three Hiwaizis as members, as well as a number their relatives with different surnames. Also, ProProvGM RW Bro Peter Baker said he’d not seen a quadruple Initiation before and was very happy to see a Lodge conducting such a ceremony and Past APGM Nigel Codron complemented Lodge on the ceremonial but in particular the performances of the leading Deacon Bro Bemi and the Inner Guard Bro Allaan. Visitor Brother Laurie Joslyn, who is a son of one of the Founders of Barn Hill Lodge also expressed the sentiment that the Founders would have been proud of the evening’s events.


The meeting was supported by members of Middlesex University Scheme Lodges Ruislip St Martins and Bushey Park as well as other scheme Lodges from outside the Province including Salisbury Union, Oxford & Cambridge University and Skelmersdale Lodges. Additionally, Brethren from across the Province visited, but in particular Round Table Lodge of Middlesex and Invictus Lodge, both of whom have undertaken numerous Passings on behalf of Barn Hill Lodge.

The four Candidates coming from Nigeria, Ghana, Malaysia and Pakistan, add to Members from the UK, Kurdistan / Iraq, Romania, Nigeria, India and Hong Kong, Barn Hill’s membership is becoming yet more diverse. And with Members of Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist faith, it is well on its way to exemplifying “Masonry Universal” in Middlesex.

Thanks to W. Bro Omaid Hiwaizi PAGDC. Secretary of Barn Hill Lodge for this report. Photos taken by W. Bro Sam Bassan PProvAGDC SLGR

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