A New Chapter For North Middlesex First Principals


The North Middlesex First Principals Chapter No 9240 was Consecrated in 2013 as Middlesex First Principals (Southgate) Chapter. It was always intended to serve the North of the Province and held its convocations at both Southgate and Harrow. It is hoped that the change of name, as approved by SGC in December 2022, will assist the Chapter in that aim.

The Chapter is now based at Harrow Masonic Centre and is the First Principals Chapter for Companions of Chapters meeting at Harrow, Southgate and Uxbridge. It also has many members from Chapters meeting outside of Middlesex and is open to all Past and current First Principals.

This name change coincides with the launch of “The Strategy for Freemasonry 2022 and Beyond”, which stresses the indissoluble link between the Craft and the Royal Arch and strongly encourages all freemasons to complete their masonic journey by joining the Royal Arch.

E. Comp Peter Baker, Provincial Grand Superintendent, wrote to all Harrow, Southgate and Uxbridge based Chapters to encourage attendance at our Convocation which was held at Harrow on the 26thJune. E. Comp Howard Hughes PGStB; 3rdProvGP delivered a comprehensive talk explaining the work being done to promote and support the Royal Arch in Middlesex. This stimulated a most lively discussion on the need for strong positive action and emphasised the importance of the role of Lodges’ Royal Arch Representatives. The talk concluded with the distribution of a new booklet entitled “Promoting the Royal Arch”.

The success of this meeting can be attested by the fact that, so far, five attendees have applied at the meeting to join the chapter. Our next convocation will be held at Harrow on Tuesday 3rd October.  This will be to install the new Principals. It is anticipated that the new Provincial Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. David Allan, together with other members of the Provincial Executive, will be in attendance.   It is strongly urged that Chapter Scribes E persuade their First Principals and past First Principals to attend; they will be made most welcome.

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