On Friday 7TH July 2023 tribute was paid at the Harrow District Masonic Centre to the memory of W Bro and E Comp Adrian Howorth PAGDC, PGStB (RA), who had passed to the Grand Lodge above while in Boston, Massachusetts.
Adrian was a very popular man and brother, as was evidenced by the number of friends, brethren and companions who joined his family at the memorial service organised and led by W Bro and E Comp Andrew Elliott.
Adrian’s Masonic career was distinguished. He was initiated in 1982 into St Wilfrid Lodge No 4453 (Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire) and started his Middlesex membership by joining Pinner Lodge No 3423 in 1985. Over the following years he joined a number of other Lodges in Middlesex and London. In the Royal Arch he was exalted into Pinner Chapter in 1992 and subsequently joined or helped to found other Chapters in Middlesex and London.
He occupied the WM’s chair on no fewer than 8 occasions and served as First Principal three times, in addition to which he accepted responsibility in the full range of Lodge and Chapter units.
In the Craft Adrian was appointed Provincial Assistant Grand Registrar in Middlesex in 1999, Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works in 2024. In Metropolitan Grand Lodge he was appointed as Visiting Officer in 2010 and promoted to Senior Visiting Officer in 2014. His first Grand Rank appointment was as Past Grand Standard Bearer in 2005 and he was promoted to Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in 2016.
In the RA Adrian was appointed Provincial Grand Steward in 2001 and as active Provincial Grand Charity Steward in 2004. In 2009 he was appointed to Grand Rank as Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies and promoted this year to Past Grand Standard Bearer.
It is clear from these brief details that Adrian had enjoyed a busy and distinguished Masonic Career. It was also clear from the personal tributes paid by his family, by W Bros and E Comps Andrew Elliott, David Allan and W Bro Sailesh Shah, WM of Pinner Lodge, that Adrian was also cherished as a family man and personal friend. A poignant moment in the memorial service was the laying beside Adrian’s Masonic regalia by all the brethren present of a sprig of Acacia.
Adrian John Howorth – Requiescat in Pace.
A grateful thanks to W. Bro David Pearson PAGDC PProvGSec for the report.