Barra Boys – Bucking The Trend

Brethren of Barra Hall Lodge No 8096 Brethren of Barra Hall Lodge No 8096

In these times of stagnating or dwindling memberships, it’s heartening to hear of a Lodge that’s bucking the trend.

Having said that, Barra Hall Lodge No 8096 isn’t just bucking the trend, it’s rocketing off in the exact opposite direction.

At their recent Installation meeting on 28th April, the incoming Master, W. Bro Fred Ventura, was treated to a wonderful ceremony by the Installing Master, W Bro Brian Bolla, in front of a packed Norman Moore Temple at Cole Court, Twickenham with 52 guests and 23 members. Such numbers can, sadly, no longer be taken for granted by many Lodges, and it must have been an absolute delight for all those present to be part of the energy which is generated when so many well-wishing brethren are gathered together for a meeting.

It was the culmination of a splendid and busy year for W. Bro Brian, during which time he presided over an Initiation, a double Raising and a double Passing. That bodes well for W. Bro Fred during his year, with plenty of work left for him to do.

Interestingly, the Working Tools of each degree were presented by a brother of that degree:

3rd Degree tools by Bro. Arthur Sanchez, a Master Mason

2nd Degree tools by Bro. Nic Casana, a Fellow Craft

1st Degree tools by Bro. Ronald Jabonete, an Entered Apprentice.

This provides proof that the Lodge isn’t just on the right trajectory with numbers, but equally with the quality of their incoming members. It’s never easy to stand up in open Lodge and recite a piece of ritual, even for experienced masons. In front of 75 assembled masons, it must have been a daunting experience for those just commencing their masonic journeys. It bodes well for their own masonic future, and the future of the Lodge.

W. Bro Andy Pearce commented, “This is the first time in my 23 years as a Freemason that I have seen all the Working Tools at an Installation being demonstrated by Brethren in the degree of the tools being presented”.

In addition to its success with numbers and the quality of ritual, the Lodge is also making a significant impact on the charity front.

During the meeting the Charity Steward, W. Bro Andy Pearce, read out a letter of thanks from the Provincial Grand Charity Steward’s, W. Bro John Briggs, iPad Lifelites Appeal for the recent £400 donation with the promise that the lodge would be included as a Lifelites Champion on its website.

And continuing in the same vein for future donations:

Alms at the Festive Board raised £350,

The Raffle raised £370.

Heads and Tails for two bottles of single malt whiskey raised a further £104.

So, a super effort on the part of those present which added a grand total of £824 to finish off what had been a very special meeting with a convivial and successful Festive Board.

A special thanks to W. Bro Frank O’Keeffe PPrSGD, Media Team member, for the edit.

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