Middlesex Master Uxbridge Lodge No 9292 met on Saturday 2nd December to enjoy a full English, or should that be Irish, breakfast. Without a doubt the culinary delights of the Uxbridge Centre are second to none and at this particular meeting in the Lodge Calendar it is a breakfast that is served rather than a lunch. Breakfast at Tiffany’s London would have set you back a small fortune and who wants a Fifth avenue bagel with Faroe Islands smoked salmon, whipped cream cheese, cucumber, lemon, and dill in a New York-style bagel? So, it was eggs, bacon, sausage, hash brown amongst other high calorie content food. But it was worth it and set up all those who dined for an interesting meeting.
The Worshipful Master. W. Bro Paul Sully PAGSwdB APGM presided and as part of the Lodge’s Charitable endeavours three charities were to be donated £200 each from the Lodge Relief Chest. These were: Orchyd, a charity based in Middlesex, which provides support for families and children with disabilities. A big focus is on the organisation of summer holidays for these children as well as weekend trips and also a day trip scheme – https://orchyd.org.uk/. The next Charity to receive support was TLC Middlesex which as many in the Province will already know provides Teddies for young children who are admitted to hospital and may be traumatised. The gift of a Teddy gives some reassurance. This has been successfully rolled out in Middlesex and throughout the UK – https://middlesexfreemasons.org.uk/our-work/charities/teddies-for-loving-care/ Last but not least was support from the MMSA for WheelPower which provides a sports experience for wheelchair bound youngsters by involving these children and giving an opportunity to participate in wheelchair sports. The next wheelchair event is due next November (2024) and Lodges and Chapters are being asked to provide a charitable donation to help organise this. https://middlesexfreemasons.org.uk/wheel-power-to-the-people/

A 3 Year Navigation Of The Globe 1577 – 1580
When the meeting closed, the Brethren were asked to remain behind to receive an interesting presentation by W. Bro Darryl Boot PPrGSuptWks who gave an awesome presentation on the subject of the 3 year voyage of Sir Francis Drake to complete a circumnavigation of the globe. The Brethren learnt much from this talk which highlighted aspects of the voyage and the fact that having set sail as five in number only one returned. Drake’s ship, The Pelican, was renamed mid voyage to become known as the Golden Hind. There is a replica of Drake’s ship which is situated in a dock close by Borough Market in London. Drake had been commissioned to capture treasure from the Spanish which he did admirably, and this amounted to £400,000 in old money and is estimated to be worth £200 million as it would be valued today. Much of this story can be found on the internet, especially Wikipedia – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Drake

W. Bro Darryll gave a highly entertaining exposition and provided an advancement of our knowledge of Sir Francis Drake.