Middlesex – Masonic

Middlesex – Masonic

PCAC – Promoting and communciating about charities

How Can We Help
It can be difficult to know who to go to for help so here is a universal form. Just let us know what the need is and we will forward your details to the appropriate charity. Find the form HERE

Charity No: 1064406

MMC makes grants to worthy causes and charities in Middlesex, or with strong Middlesex connections, which have been suggested by members of Lodges and Chapters in the Province. The grants are often made in respect of but not limited to, youth development, community projects and support for medical and care facilities in the Province. The MMC also offers financial support to the children and grandchildren of Middlesex Masons by way of scholarships in further education.

Middlesex Masonic Charity is the working name of the Masonic Province of Middlesex Charitable Trust.

Applications can be made by any Mason on behalf of a cause using the application form here: MPMCT Grant Appl Form

Donations are always welcome and being a registered charity funds can be transferred directly from your relief chest or by direct donation sending them a cheque.

Download a copy of the latest Financial Statement HERE

An example of some of the Grants made by the MMCT:-


Sponsoring Lodge/Masonic Body Lodge Number
Christmas Hampers for the Aged 800
Gordon Bourne Bursary ‐ City University – Scholarships for nursing students – Midwives 10,000.00
Lifelites – iPads 2,000.00
London Hearts 2,800.00
Music in Hospitals and Care 3,000.00
Salvation Army Harrow 1,000.00
SPEAR 2,800.00
St Marks Hostpital – Robot 10,000.00
SUFRA 4,500.00
Teddies for Loving Care 3,000.00
Grants Given Via Lodges:
Campbell Lodge 1415 Richmond Borough MIND 1,500.00
Era Lodge 1423 Hounslow Animal Welfare Society 500
Era Lodge 1423 The Mulberry Centre 500
Era Lodge 1423 Dramatize Community Interest 500
Gothic Lodge 4517 Enfield Sea Scouts 500
Gothic Lodge 4517 Enfield Scout Group 500
Hercies Lodge 9651 2nd Uxbridge Scouts 250
North Harrow Lodge 6557 Harrow Young Carers 750
Northolt Lodge 6565 Hillingdon Brain Tumour and Injury Group 750
Putney Bridge 6686 Shooting Star 250
Putney Bridge 6686 Teddies for Loving Care 250
Putney Bridge 6686 Middlesex Association for the Blind 250
Richmond Hill 6698 SPEAR 375
Richmond Hill 6698 The Vineyard Community Centre 375
Sudbury 4529 Prince Michael of Kent Court 1,000.00
 Teddington 4528 Shooting Star 1,000.00
Total Grants £49,150.00

Charity No: 217065

The main purpose of the fund is to provide assistance to Middlesex Masons, their widows and the children of deceased brethren, in distressed circumstances, where the central Masonic charity is unable to offer support, or in cases of emergency. Applications would come from the Provincial Grand Almoner having been unable to obtain assistance from the central Masonic charities. It is also a fund which supports other Provincial Festivals. Any enquiries should be routed through the Provincial Almoner.

It has received the proceeds from the Provincial Annual Meetings of both the Craft and Royal Arch but other donations are always welcome.

Charity No: 14006R (Reg Industrial & Provident Act)

The Middlesex Province Relief Fund (MPRF) was established following the sale of The Princess Alexandra Home at Stanmore in January 2002 to help Masons and their relatives in circumstances where either the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) are unable to assist, or where rapid assistance is required, whilst an application to the MCF is being processed.

An example of some of the Grants made by the MPRF:-

General Grants

Donations Made or Committed in Year Ended 30th September 2024 include:-

Prince Michael of Kent Court £70
Mulberry Centre £2,000
Middlesex Cares £5,000
Strength and Learning £5,000
London Air Ambulance £75,000
Christmas gifts to 150 Widows of Masons whose Lodges have closed £4,700
Gordon Bourne Grant £4,500
Total £96,270

Enquires about making an Application for a grant should be made to Trustee Hugh Saville hsaville@mibd.co.uk or via the Provincial Almoner, W Bro Ivan Chu ivan.chu@pglm.org.uk

Donations are always welcome and being a registered charity funds can be transferred directly from your relief chest or by cheque sent directly or via Provincial Office.

Donations are always welcome and being a registered charity funds can be transferred directly from your relief chest or by cheque sent directly or via Provincial Office.

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