A recently held Middlesex Freemasons’ Charity event raised over £2695 for Charitable causes as over 100 guests came together at Cole Court Masonic Centre Twickenham for a dinner with Cabaret evening. This type of event had been held before and once again it proved to be a great night out for all those in attendance. Whilst everybody had a wonderful evening, the prime purpose of the event was to raise funds for four magnificent charities namely; Alzheimer’s Society, Help for Ukraine, Lifelites and Teddies for Loving Care.
Amongst the Lodges and Chapters represented were Cedars of Lebanon Lodge No 4317, Richmond Hill Lodge No 6698, Lodge of Fidelity No 7974, Lumen Lodge 4922, Arnold Lodge No 1981 and Stanwell Chapter No 7468.
The entertainment was provided by a “BONEY M” tribute band and even more everlasting moments were provided when a few of the guests were persuaded to add to the band’s performance. Photographic and video evidence of the guests’ performances with the band is available for a small charitable donation.
One of the organisers W. Bro Sam Huxter said, “a big thank you is due to all those who had helped organise, attend, and contribute to a truly wonderful and successful fund-raising evening which raised over £1,600 in the raffle. “
There were 50 Raffle prizes which had been donated by local business and also by individuals.
W. Bro Gwyn Evans, a Director at the Cole Court Centre and also one of the principal organisers, commented that “unfortunately at the last minute I was unable to attend the event but it was so good to see that the Masonic Centre facilities were used to the full for such a valuable fund raising event and I extend my thanks to the Centre staff for playing their part in making the evening possible and so successful”.
Those involved in selling tickets for the event, raffle and speeches W. Bro Keith Watson and W. Bro Steve Philips said, “it is heart-warming to see the support given by the Lodges and Chapters to charitable events like these and it makes all the efforts in organisation worthwhile”.
The dinner served was once again superb and a special thanks is given to the Chef and his staff members.
It is hoped that similar events will take place again soon.