Comet had a very special evening at Cole Court earlier in February when there was the first Official Visit from Worshipful Brother John Leggett PSGD APGM to Comet Lodge No 9190, together with his Provincial Escort on the occasion of the Lodge’s Installation Meeting.
The Installation went well but there was a big surprise for one of the senior members, W. Bro E. John Barber PPrJGD. A couple of days before the meeting the Lodge had been notified that W. Bro John had been an active Mason for 50 years and that a Certificate recording this milestone achievement was ready to be collected from the Middlesex Provincial Office. At short notice W. Bro John Leggett carried out some research on W. Bro John Barber’s masonic career over the past 50 Years. Once completed he was then ready to carry out the presentation at the Meeting.
At a convenient time in the Lodge proceedings two Chairs were placed in the middle of the Lodge with the two Johns sitting facing each other. W. Bro John Leggett began his presentation and recalled the highlights of John Barber’s masonic career in the one to one intimate atmosphere in the centre of the Lodge. He then presented the Certificate to a very surprised W. Bro John Barber.
After the meeting all the members assembled for the photographs and at the Festive board all were treated to a glass of Port and a Toast was given to W. Bro John’s health and for the continued enjoyment of his Masonic adventures.