Double Standards

Newly exalted Companions Ahmad Hammami and Habil Kadieda Newly exalted Companions Ahmad Hammami and Habil Kadieda

On the 15th of November 2023 Stanwell Chapter No 7468 meeting at Cole Court were pleased to perform a double Exaltation for Bros Ahmad Hammami and Habil Kadieda and welcome them to the Chapter. The two new companions have been very enthusiastic members of the Lodge of Fidelity No 7974 and both were extremely keen to continue their masonic progress by joining the Royal Arch. They are sure to be valued companions both in the Chapter and The Royal Arch.

The Stanwell Chapter meeting was also notable because it was attended by W Bro Brian Hyde of Stanwell Lodge and also W Bro Fr. John Hillman ProvAGChap from Stanwell Parish. Both new Companions were presented with their new Exaltee packs and welcomed to the Royal Arch. Not only did the meeting admit the two newcomers but it also welcomed two Joining Companions. These were Companions Glynn Smith of Engineers Chapter No 8226 (Berkshire) and Companion Andrew Elliot of Cedars of Lebanon Chapter No 4317. This was a very successful evening indeed for the Chapter which will meet next on Wednesday 21st February 2024 when there will be yet another double Exaltation and it is hoped to invite more guests to witness and support this great occasion.

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