Elizabethan Deja Vu

Meeting 13th November 2023

At the recent Installation meeting of Elizabethan Lodge No 7324 in November held at Harrow Masonic Centre, the Lodge installed Bro Ian Derry-McClellan into the Chair of King Solomon. The ceremony was conducted to a very high standard with many Past Masters being involved.

The highlight though was a presentation to W Bro Alan Severn PSGD PAPGM who was celebrating 50 years since he was installed into the Chair of Elizabethan Lodge in November 1973 by his predecessor W Bro Bert Woodrow. Alan was Assistant Provincial Grand Master in Middlesex from 1993 to 1997.

W Bro Alan was invited to process into the Lodge with the outgoing Master W Bro Howard Hughes.  Following the opening ode and having displayed the Warrant of the Lodge, W Bro Howard requested that Bro Alan should occupy the Chair to open the Lodge.

Much to the delight of all Brethren present Alan opened the Lodge in all three degrees before resuming it in the first. He thanked W Bro Howard and the brethren for the opportunity to participate and took his seat at the right of the Worshipful Master. Certainly, a case of déjà vu for W. Bro Severn.

Little did Alan know that there was another surprise in store for him before the risings. The Brethren of the Lodge had arranged for a framed certificate to be presented to him to commemorate his significant achievement. W Bro Ian as the newly installed Master gave a short synopsis of W Bro Alan’s masonic career before presenting him with the certificate. The Temple echoed to warm applause and in an emotional reply Alan thanked all the brethren present.

Further tributes were made at the festive board.

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