England Ladies Rugby v St Clair Chapter

If anyone thought that the A316 would be a doddle, well, it wasn’t and with England Ladies Rugby attracting a large crowd together with a broken down car just before the London Street roundabout, it might have been touch and go as to whether some of the Companions would get to TDMC on time. Very fortunately on Saturday 14th September all arrived on time, especially with it being the first meeting of the new Masonic year. So, it was probably honours even and all credit to the Ladies for their success on the field. And credit also to St Clair Chapter 2902 for having an Exaltation ceremony and welcoming Brother Alex Thompson, a member of Chaggley Lodge No 8609 in the Province of Sussex into Middlesex Royal Arch masonry. Even better there was musical accompaniment provided by a guest organist, Comp Martin McPherson-Pottle, who has been, in his musical career, an Organ Scholar at Chichester Cathedral.

Masonic Synergies

Apart from the ceremonial this was the first of a trial where the St Clair Chapter and St Clair Lodge would meet on the same day; Chapter first followed by the Lodge meeting with a suitable break in between for some light refreshment. Installation meetings would take place as per unit bylaws, but the hope would be that if Chapter and Lodge met on the same day this would result in a better attendance at both units as well as encouraging Lodge members to join the Royal Arch. Early days yet.

Totally Taken By Teddies

E. Comp Stan Marut PPrGReg is Charity Steward of the Chapter and having previously given a Notice of Motion that the Chapter become a Patron of the Teddies for Loving Care charity in the Province of Middlesex asked the Companions to support this noble cause. This would require a pledge to pay over a five year period an amount of £50 per year to reach £250. However, the Chapter members decided to donate this amount in one sum. This would make St Clair the first Chapter to become a Patron in the new masonic year. E. Comp Stan also pointed out to the Companions that there was also the opportunity for individual freemasons and their families to become Patrons of the Charity. A contribution of £250 could be pledged over the five year period or earlier.

Later That Afternoon

The Brethren of St Clair Lodge No 2902

St Clair Lodge No 2902 met later and conducted the Passing of Brother Tomasz Nowak. Regrettably, due to kitchen difficulties at Cole Court with no gas power supply, the Lodge Secretary organised a “home made” buffet style two course meal with salad and cheese and biscuits. At least the troops were well fed.

For those Brethren and Companions who might be drawn to  Chapter and Lodge holding both meetings on the same Saturday there might be a case for considering St Clair. Please contact W. Bro/E. Comp Keith Mates who is Secretary and Scribe E of the St Clair units on stclairchapter@gmail.com.


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