PMK Chapter Demonstration Team Travel To Southend
On the 20th April the PMK Chapter Demonstration Team delivered its 1750 Arch Lodge performance outside the Province of Middlesex for the first time. The performance was delivered in front of a packed Temple with over 90 companions attending the Essex First Principals Chapter No 3256 in Saxon Hall, Southend-on-Sea. The meeting was also attended by the Grand Superintendent of Essex as well as E.Comp Mike Karn PAGSoj, Past 3rd ProvGP and the MEZ-Elect of the 3420 Chapter. It was particularly gratifying for Mike as the author of the demonstration narrative which he gave on this special occasion.
This was the largest audience to date, and everyone enjoyed the demonstration enormously and readily conveyed their appreciation of the performance. The festive board was an equally enjoyable affair which was attended by all. The Principals of the Essex First Principals Chapter were grateful that the team had travelled to their Province to support their meeting and in return presented PMK Chapter with a cheque for £350.00 to donate to the Chapter’s chosen charity.
This was an excellent representation on behalf of the Province of Middlesex by the PMK Chapter Demonstration Team and it is hoped they will continue their performances both in and out of Middlesex with the next being held on the 8th of June 2023 at the Buckingham Research Chapter No 591 in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire.