This report is provided by W. Bro Paul Huggins PSGD PAPGM
“The world can sometimes be a small place. Brother Roger Tang, who had been Initiated into Royal Hanover Lodge No 1777 in 2017, subsequently went out to Brisbane, Australia He has just been Raised in Camp Hill Lodge No 388 in the Grand Lodge of Queensland by another Middlesex Mason, who had also moved out to Australia, i.e., W Bro Simon Huggins.
When Bro Roger moved out to Brisbane, he was introduced to Camp Hill Lodge by Simon’s brother, W Bro Paul Huggins. It has taken Roger longer than expected to become a MM due to the Covid shutdown. Simon had just been Installed into the WM Chair in March 2020, and a week later Queensland freemasonry went into suspension for nearly 2 years. After not being able to conduct any meetings, except online, the suspension ended just in time for him to install his successor. Sadly, the incoming Master resigned due to health concerns, which meant that Simon could now conduct Roger’s Raising as acting WM. The ceremony went well, and Roger was duly impressed. It was conducted in accordance with the Queensland ritual which is longer than the English version with the Long Closings and Charge after Raising. It is quite similar to English ritual workings, except with certain variations based on the Scottish workings.
Roger Tang is remembered with great affection in Royal Hanover Lodge, and the members hope to see him when he revisits the UK in the future to meet up with his family. Roger is settling in well into the Queensland way of life. He went out to Australia after graduating as a mining engineer. Having now gained a PhD in mining engineering from the University of Queensland, he is starting an IT business connected to his qualification.”