W Bro Ian Mitchell, PProvSGD, member of the Communications Team provides this report.
An exceedingly rare quadruple initiation ceremony was conducted at the recent meeting of Kenton Manor Lodge No 7882, providing a considerable boost to the Lodge’s numbers and showcasing the benefits of the Discovering Freemasonry programme, which all of the initiates had attended at the request of some of the brethren at Kenton Manor.
The initiates, Chetan Bharadwa, Pravin Chandegra, Krutarth Shah and Ross Blackman, were guided through the ceremony by a large team from Kenton Manor. The ceremony was conducted by Worshipful Master W. Bro. Raj Sheth and the floor work was carried out by a team of four deacons. All of the four initiates are relatives or friends of different members of the Lodge, who encouraged them to attend the Discovering Freemasonry events, which led them to apply to join Kenton Manor Lodge. Following their initiation ceremony, they were provided with an explanation of the initiation pack by W. Bro. John Leggett, PSGD.
The ceremony was attended by six Provincial Officers, 16 Brethren and 18 visitors, all of whom dined at the festive board afterwards, crowning off a memorable day for both the Lodge and the initiates.
Members and guests of Kenton Manor Lodge