W. Bro Jim Mitchell Deputy Provincial Grand Master and Initiate Bro S. K.
50 Years Of Lodge Of Sincere Friendship
This report form W. Bro Campbell Caraher
“Back in 1950, 1961 and 1965 Ickenham Lodge No 5770 sponsored the formation of Field End Road, Haste Hill and Copse Wood Lodges respectively and on the 15thFebruary 1974 formed the Lodge of Sincere Friendship No 8548. They became known as the “Cinque” Lodges. The 5 clasped hands of friendship form the Lodge of Sincere Friendship Lodge banner with only the founding Ickenham Lodge and Lodge of Sincere Friendship still holding their warrants. However, a very special Golden Jubilee meeting was held at the Uxbridge Masonic Centre on Friday 15th March.
Over 18 guest Lodges were represented from 6 Provinces, including members from Ickenham, Featherstone, Uxbridge and Handyside Lodges with over 50 guests attending and 64 dining at a lively Festive Board.
This special occasion was also attended by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro. Jim Mitchell PSGD, along with his Escorting Officers W. Bro’s Chris Pugh, Peter Jones, Keith Watson, Keiren Back and Adam Camp.
Bro. Ruscazio flew in from Italy to attend his Lodge’s 50 year anniversary and the current Visiting Officer W. Bro. Peter Edwards PPrJGW was joined by the Lodge’s former VO’s W. Bros Mike Purdy and Rob Davies together with the Lodge’s current APGM W. Bro Paul Sully PAGSwdB.
Over the past 50 years the Lodge has had 112 members, including 20 Founding members, 65 Initiates, 24 Joining members, 3 rejoining members with 20 current subscribing members. The Lodge has also been blessed with three sets of brothers who are now all Past Masters of the Lodge. Regrettably, some of these have now sadly passed to Grand lodge above. There were another two members, W. Bro’s Glen and Paul Smyth. Paul was initiated by Glen when they were both serving Metropolitan Police Officers and just happened to be both brothers, “brothers in-law” and brothers in Freemasonry.
Sincere Friendship’s Golden Jubilee meeting saw the Initiation of a new Candidate S.K. who was welcomed onto Freemasonry and the Lodge of Sincere Friendship in particular by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master.
Following a successful ballot by the members to donate a £1,000.00 in support of the Middlesex Teddies for Loving Care charity, the Lodge Secretary and Middx TLC Representative presented the WM and members with a large TLC teddy bear and TLC Patron certificate.”
Members and guests celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Lodge of Sincere Friendship.
TLC Provincial Representative W. Bro Campbell presents the Patron Certificate and TLC Teddy Bear.
W. Bros Paul Sully APGM and Jim Mitchell Deputy Provincial Grand Master