The Provincial Media Team are keen to present your Lodge or Chapter events in the best possible light. Apart from the report itself, it is always good to have a selection of photos which will capture the moment, so to speak. These might be staged photos after the meeting which can include the members and any dignitaries. These photos can then be inserted in the Minute Book for posterity. Equally, there are other moments outside of the Masonic centre where due regard should be given to the composition and theme of any pictures taken and the guide mentioned below will illustrate what constitutes a “good” photo and what is best practice.
UGLE have provided a guide to taking good photos and I urge those who have that responsibility within their Lodges and Chapters to read through the booklet. This way the Media Team will be able to incorporate good illustrations to highlight your special event. A link is provided to the booklet.
Apart from composition there is the important aspect of photo image quality. Middlesex Provincial Media uses various social media platforms apart from the Provincial web site. To ensure that photos provided can be cropped to meet the various templates, it is a requirement that photos submitted for publication are of the best quality. If taken on a smartphone, please ensure that you utilise at least 20mp in the camera settings. For regular cameras you should set image quality to jpg fine. You don’t have to be a David Bailey or Lord Litchfield, but using the recommended guidelines will allow us to highlight your Lodge and Chapter event to the best effect.
Good photos require a good storyline. Many articles received are very well presented and require little editing. It is the responsibility of the Lodge or Chapter correspondent to provide good “copy” and be accurate in content. Masonic post nominals, both Provincial and/or Grand Rank should always be provided when giving the name of a Brother or Companion as applicable. Word count for submissions should be such that the article will get read. If possible, articles should be between 300 and 600 words which should be ample. Regrettably, the editorial team are unable to write the article for you.
The Media Team look forward to receiving your news and photos for publication in the next masonic year which will start in earnest in September.