Harrow District Masonic Centre has formed a new Centre Craft Lodge of Instruction, which launched on Wednesday 15th May 2019.
‘HDMC Craft Lodge of Instruction’, meetings will be held at 8.00pm on the 1st Tuesday and 3rd Wednesday of each calendar month during the Masonic year.
The working will be primarily Emulation, while respecting the workings of individual members’ own lodges.
It is not intended to encroach on existing LOIs, but will provide a facility for all those who do not have access to an LOI or need additional assistance.
The LOI will not be limited to Master Masons, all are most welcome, including Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts from this or any other Province.
Free to attend, there will be no LOI dues payable.
Secretary – W Bro Bob Syme PPrDepGReg
Preceptor – W Bro Geoff Taylor PPrGReg
Chairman – W Bro John Taylor PSGD, AProvGM
Email: bobsyme@blueyonder.co.uk