Having served 30 years in the Metropolitan Police, the Worshipful Master of Greystoke Lodge No 6146, W. Bro Greg Keene, had recently retired. Before he left “the job” he was approached by one of his team who was interested in becoming a Freemason. The Secretary and Hermes administrator, W. Bro Geoff Stuttaford, also a retired police officer, duly completed the on-line process and Bro Steve Caskey was initiated by the WM on Saturday 20th May 2023. About 50% of the Lodge members are serving or retired officers or have a connection to the Police Service. Following a suggestion from the WM, the Lodge agreed to donate £500 to Brentford Penguins who provide football for players with Down’s syndrome.
(see – https://www.brentfordpenguinsfc.com/)
Ed: I hope serving and retired Police Officer members of Greystoke Lodge will not groan at the headline. It was too good to resist. As someone old enough to know the Larceny Act 1916….I rest my case M’Lud.