If you’ve recently received a first appointment or promotion and haven’t yet joined, why not consider becoming a member of the Middlesex Grand Officers’ and Provincial Grand Officers’ Club?
You can find the application form here.
The Club meets twice a year, typically in October and March, for a friendly gathering and an engaging talk on topics of both Masonic and non-Masonic interest.
Membership is just £10 per year.
As a member, you’ll receive at least two written communications annually, including summaries of addresses and presentations (both for those who cannot attend and as a record for those who do), alongside other content that may interest you.
In keeping with our ethos, I’ve kept this message concise, but I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have about membership.
Our preferred method of communication is via email, though we can use traditional mail if necessary.
If you haven’t been receiving emails from the Club, please contact the Club Secretary (email address below) to ensure we have your correct email address on file. Also, to prevent messages from going to your junk folder, kindly add secretary@pgoclub.co.uk to your contacts or safe senders list.
For further details, feel free to reach out to the Club Secretary
Email: secretary@pgoclub.co.uk