Provincial First Appointments 2025

Past Rank
Lodge Name
PPrGReg Paul Kerswell Malines 8740
PPrGSwdB Anthony Wicks Harmony 5835
PPrGSuptWks Jeffrey Bevins Middlesex Armed Forces 9940
PPrSGD Gerald Butterworth Strawberry Hill 946
PPrSGD Graham Hutton United Friendship 5746
PPrJGD Alasdair Brown Villiers 1194
PPrJGD Peter Cadge Wembley 2914
PPrJGD Harold Lipman Felix 1494
PPrJGD Achilles Malinit Barra Hall 8096
PPrJGD Vinod Mehta Fulcorn 4791
PPrJGD Jaydrath Patel Fulcorn 4791
PPrJGD Premhar Shah Nkokonjeru 9284
PPrJGD Anthony Webber Sutton Court 7826
PPrJGD Francis Wicks Harmony 5835
PPrAGDC Michael Birmingham Middlesex St David’s 5460
PPrAGDC Barrie Dennis ShePPrerton 8611
PPrAGDC Connor Field Era 1423
PPrAGDC Nigel Fisher Berkeley 7591
PPrAGDC Gerald Forsbrey Staines St Mary’s 6187
PPrAGDC Roger Fox Ickenham 5770
PPrAGDC Robert Herincx Era 1423
PPrAGDC Alexander Jolinon Hercies 9651
PPrAGDC Richard Joslin Greystoke 6146
PPrAGDC Graham Kite United Friendship 5746
PPrAGDC Ketan Malde Pearl of Africa 9052
PPrAGDC Richard Manton Jubilee 8822
PPrAGDC Robert Mcgee Sunbury 1733
PPrAGDC Christopher Mead Staines St Mary’s 6187
PPrAGDC Michael Mouat Sir Francis Burdett 1503
PPrGStB Michael Aunzo Thames Valley 1460
PPrGStB Laurence Davidson Harrow Temple in Unity 1310
PPrGStB Colin Downey Hadley Highstone 4203
PPrGStB Iain Marwick Tithe Farm 7789
PPrGStB Stephen Otter Peachey Stone 5993
PPrGStB Mandeep Sagoo Rose of England 6456
PPrGStB Rajinder Virdee Dalhousie and Call Sign 865
PPrAGStB Ahmed Elzanaty Sudbury 4529
PPrAGStB Anthony Evans Elizabethan 7324
PPrAGStB Barry Nowland Norma 5902
PPrAGStB Paul Smith Alperton 5548
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