New Rank
L Name
PPrSGW | Christopher | Albrow | Lodge of Harmony | 255 |
PPrSGW | Robert | Colwell | Royal Union | 382 |
PPrSGW | Derek | Partridge | Parsifal | 5655 |
PPrSGW | Geoffrey | Taylor | Greenhill | 6981 |
PPrSGW | John | Phillips | Elizabethan | 7324 |
PPrSGW | Peter | Hyde | Little Britain | 8101 |
PPrSGW | Reginald | Davies | Handone Mount | 8183 |
PPrSGW | John | Pugh | Handone Mount | 8183 |
PPrSGW | Howard | Lewis | Jubilee | 8822 |
PPrSGW | Lyndon | Cope | Harrow St Paul’s | 8937 |
PPrJGW | Roy | Glencross | South Middlesex | 858 |
PPrJGW | Robert | King | Brent Valley | 3940 |
PPrJGW | Andrew | Innes | Teddington | 4528 |
PPrJGW | Keith | Gregory | Ariel | 5596 |
PPrJGW | Laurence | Nichols | Hundred Elms | 5749 |
PPrJGW | George | Millson | Uxbridge | 7066 |
PPrJGW | David | Chilton | Lest We Forget | 7222 |
PPrJGW | Paul | Aynsley | Byron | 7426 |
PPrJGW | Michael | Rye | Edengate | 8181 |
PPrGReg | David | Blithing | Villiers | 1194 |
PPrGReg | David | Calvert | Burdett | 1293 |
PPrGReg | Darren | Winfield | Harrow Temple in Unity | 1310 |
PPrGReg | Timothy | Hill | Era | 1423 |
PPrGReg | Andrew | Luckwell | Roll Call | 2523 |
PPrGReg | Stuart | Lochtie | Twickenham | 4278 |
PPrGReg | Nirbhay | Modha | Fulcorn | 4791 |
PPrGReg | Steven | Phillips | Ariel | 5596 |
PPrGReg | Lindsay | Read | Harrow Progress | 5964 |
PPrGReg | Darryl | Boot | Ickenham St Giles | 6028 |
PPrGReg | Geoffrey | Stuttaford | Greystoke | 6146 |
PPrGReg | Robert | Weare | Staines St Mary’s | 6187 |
PPrGReg | David | Olive | North Harrow | 6557 |
PPrGReg | Gary | Earley | Greenhill | 6981 |
PPrGReg | Ian | Howes | Lest We Forget | 7222 |
PPrGReg | Gordhan | Vara | Byron | 7426 |
PPrGReg | Michael | Bradshaw | Temple of Uxbridge | 7660 |
PPrGReg | Gerard | Hickey | Gauntlet | 8140 |
PPrGReg | Yogesh | Teli | Hundred of Gore | 8314 |
PPrGReg | Malcolm | Johnstone | Eastcote St Lawrence | 8836 |
PPrGReg | Shreyesh | Shah | Pearl of Africa | 9052 |
PPrGSwdB | Thomas | Wood | Royal Hanover | 1777 |
PPrGSwdB | Peter | Meikle | Horsa-dun | 3123 |
PPrGSwdB | David | Plummer | Draytonian | 3980 |
PPrGSwdB | Felix | Matthew-Brown | Sudbury | 4529 |
PPrGSwdB | Adam | Clayfield | North Harrow | 6557 |
PPrGSwdB | Jayesh | Savani | Eastcote St Lawrence | 8836 |
PPrGSwdB | Hitesh | Shah | Pearl of Africa | 9052 |
PPrGSwdB | David | Yeaman | Ruislip St Martins | 9125 |
PPrGSuptWks | Adam | Helman | Harrow Temple in Unity | 1310 |
PPrGSuptWks | Thomas | Arkhurst | Felix | 1494 |
PPrGSuptWks | Edward | Humphrey | Elliot | 1567 |
PPrGSuptWks | Neil | Osgood | Jersey | 2163 |
PPrGSuptWks | Roy | Wake | Herga | 2548 |
PPrGSuptWks | Kenneth | Jackson | Argus | 5903 |
PPrGSuptWks | Jitendra | Ravrani | Boston Manor | 7151 |
PPrGSuptWks | Dean | Mortimer | Lest We Forget | 7222 |
PPrGSuptWks | Neil | Brentnall | Harefield | 7417 |
PPrGSuptWks | Geoffrey | Keeble | Electron | 7527 |
PPrGSuptWks | Thomas | Lea | Temple of Uxbridge | 7660 |
PPrGSuptWks | Kevin | Stepney | Lodge of Fidelity | 7974 |
PPrGSuptWks | Ashokrai | Gohil | Round Table Lodge of Middlesex | 8301 |
PPrGSuptWks | Pradip | Somaia | Pearl of Africa | 9052 |
PPrSGD | Michael | King | Lodge of Harmony | 255 |
PPrSGD | Christopher | Donohoe | Roll Call | 2523 |
PPrSGD | James | Aird | Hadley Highstone | 4203 |
PPrSGD | William | West | Hadley Highstone | 4203 |
PPrSGD | Mukesh | Tossar | Borough of Acton | 4368 |
PPrSGD | Sunjit | Mehta | Fulcorn | 4791 |
PPrSGD | John | Hegarty | United Friendship | 5746 |
PPrSGD | Ranjit | Bhambra | Harmony | 5835 |
PPrSGD | Jamie | Frost | Alert | 5861 |
PPrSGD | Madhukant | Shah | Rose of England | 6456 |
PPrSGD | Stephen | Higgins | Belmont | 7019 |
PPrSGD | Brian | Guy | Bush Hill Park | 7200 |
PPrSGD | Steven | Howell | Harefield | 7417 |
PPrSGD | John | Purvis | Electron | 7527 |
PPrSGD | Firiad | Hiwaizi | Barn Hill | 7799 |
PPrSGD | Roger | Burke | Featherstone | 7851 |
PPrSGD | Melville | Wilby | Great Lights | 8084 |
PPrSGD | Ian | Watts | Harrow St Paul’s | 8937 |
PPrJGD | Michael | Wright | Ickenham | 5770 |
PPrJGD | Iqbal | Tibb | Kenton Manor | 7882 |