You may have read about the Members’ Pathway in Freemasonry Today or on Social Media… so what’s it all about and how is it being rolled out across our Province?
The Members’ Pathway came out of UGLE’s Membership Focus Groups which some of you may recall was a series of surveys that we, as Freemasons, completed on a number of subjects. Its purpose is to assist Lodges and Provinces to attract and retain their members.
The Members’ Pathway breaks down into the following distinct sections:
In our Province, our plan is to establish and implement best practice across each of these areas of the Members’ Pathway.
This best practice will come from within our own Lodges, our own Province as well as from other Provinces within UGLE. So, if you are enjoying great success in any of these areas then we want to hear about it. The Members’ Pathway doesn’t belong to any one individual, it belongs to all of us and as such we can all contribute to its successful development and implementation.
If you were learning to play golf from scratch, would you listen to a PGA professional’s advice and best practice to learn and improve? So, it’s the same with the Members’ Pathway, why would you not want to listen to the successful experiences and practices of other Lodges?
Best practice around introducing a gentleman into Freemasonry has already been established through consulting and talking with our Group Officers across the Province. The establishment of best practice across the other areas is a work in progress. There will be other articles as well as videos in the months to come which will focus on specific topics to give you and your Lodge food for thought.
So, watch this space and please take the opportunity to get involved and share your thoughts with those involved or alternatively with me directly.
If you are interested then a full copy of the Members’ Pathway can be found at Members Pathway
W Bro Warren Gell
Assistant Provincial Grand Master