Personal Mentors


Each lodge may have more than one personal mentor depending upon the number of candidates and its overall strength. Proposers and Seconders can be personal mentors but he should be an experienced, knowledgeable, motivated, friendly and approachable member. Above all he must a friend and guide who is willing and able to assist his charge through his early masonic career and beyond. This should include regular contact outside of the lodge with both his charge and his family and encourage them to become involved with the lodge’s social activities.

Initially he should provide his charge with a basic understanding and requirements of how the lodge operates, its etiquette and all the other information necessary to ensure that he attains a sense of belonging.

He should also provide guidance and assistance as his charge progresses through their initiation, passing and raising, by providing answers to the various questions and issues that are likely to arise. This should assist the new candidate in answering the many myths that surround Freemasonry with confidence and without embarrassment.

Candidates are all individuals, with varying masonic aspirations and levels of commitment outside of the lodge which may evolve over the years. Personal mentors need to ensure that these are taken into account by the lodge when considering potential / future officers.

Taking into account time commitments he, possibly with the assistance of other members, should gradually introduce his charge to the wider aspects of Freemasonry. This could include visiting of lodges, masonic centres and other provinces and in time might include the introduction to other masonic degrees.

Above all he must ensure that his charge enjoys his freemasonry from day one.

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