The Middlesex First Principals Chapter No 3420 was consecrated on 26th November 1973 and exists to serve the needs and interests of all Past 1st Principals of Chapters in the Province who would meet at TDMC.
The outgoing Principals were MEZ, E. Companion Martyn Farrell PGSwdB, H, E Comp John Hicks PProvGSoj and J, E Comp Michael Owen PProvGSwdB.
After opening the Chapter, the Companions were called to order in respect of departed merit with a moment of quiet reflection to the memory of all those who had passed to Grand Lodge above since the last meeting.
Guests were warmly welcomed by Excellent Companion Martyn Farrell and greeted with an enthusiastic round of hearty Middlesex applause.
After the Minutes were confirmed, and the routine business of the Chapter had been despatched, the ballot for the new joining members was held which proved in their favour. They were welcomed into the Chapter by MEZ and took their seats in the Chapter.
The Chapter then received the ME Grand Superintendent, E. Comp David Allan who was accompanied by other Officers of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Middlesex. He was offered the First Principal’s sceptre which he was pleased to accept. The 2nd and 3rd Provincial Grand Principals were placed respectively in to Chairs of Haggai and Joshua.
E. Comp David then proceeded with the Installation of the Principals for the ensuing year, which was carried out by him and his team. The following Companions were Installed into the respective Chairs:
MEZ – Mike Karn installed by the ME Grand Superintendent E. Comp David Ian Allan
Hagai – Stephen Heynes Installed by the 2nd Provincial Grand Principal E. Comp Peter de Wolfe
Joshua – Gary Collins installed by the 3rd Provincial Grand Principal E. Comp Howard Hughes.
An explanation of the Robes and Sceptres was given to each newly Installed Principal after which the Principals installed their Officers for the following year.
The new MEZ E. Comp Mike Karn, then reviewed a few significant milestones from in the history of the Chapter since 1973 which had stood the test of time although membership levels and fluctuated from time to time. The names of six new applicants were read out, who would be balloted for at the March Convocation 2024.
On charity matters one of the activities which is to be supported by the Chapter in 2024 is the WheelPower event for disabled children in wheelchairs who would be invited to participate In a special event to take place in November (2024). WheelPower is supported by the MMSA. It is anticipated that 90 disabled children will be invited to the event at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Bucks at which it is expected that a number of past and present Paralympian athletes will attend to motivate and encourage the youngsters. It is hoped that individual Lodges and Chapters would be able to contribute financially to the event.