Introducing The New Stewards

2023 ProvGStwd (1)

June 29th saw new Provincial Grand Stewards, both Craft and Royal Arch, descending on Cole Court for the Annual Briefing and Dinner.  This event is hosted by the Secretary and Scribe E of the Prince Michael of Kent units and has the RW Pro Provincial Grand Master/Most Excellent Grand Superintendent as the Guest of Honour for the dinner.

The purpose of this event is to introduce the Stewards to the respective Craft and Royal Arch Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies with an introduction to Wand Craft and the ceremonial duties they shall perform when escorting the ‘Chains’.  After the training, the Stewards retired to the bar for a well-deserved drink and had the opportunity to meet with the RW Pro Provincial Grand Master/Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Peter Baker and THE Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Mark Millard in a relaxed environment before dinner.

Mark Norman the centre manager and Vitaly the Chef arranged an excellent meal which was well received.  Lively conversation was heard whilst enjoying the meal and after the main & dessert courses all attendees had a chance to talk a little about their non-masonic lives, including the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Worshipful Master and MEZ of the Prince Michael of Kent units.   This was a fun and informative part of the evening and a fascinating way to get to know one another, especially when the RW Pro Provincial Grand Master/Most Excellent Grand Superintendent sealed the evening when he rose and talked about his life and interests.

To conclude the evening, the RW Pro Provincial Grand Master/Most Excellent Grand Superintendent was presented with a colourful bouquet of flowers for his wife, Sarah.  The Lodge Secretary, Neal Evans, explained the flowers were in gratitude to the time Mrs Baker has seen Peter devote to his Provincial duties over the preceding years, and a thank you for his attendance at this annual dinner.  The Scribe E of the Chapter, Steve Heynes, also presented a bouquet to Mark Millard for his wife Rachel as a thank you for his attendance and her likewise seeing him devote time to additional activities.

An enjoyable evening was had by all and the new Stewards, Craft already appointed and Royal Arch on 13th July, look to be an excellent addition to the previous years.

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