Saturday the 10thJune at the Shepperton Fair could not have been better for Freemasonry. The weather was glorious and the hottest day of the year so far with temperatures reaching more than 32° Celsius.
The ‘Middlesex Provincial Ambassadors’ were; Malcolm Smith – Gordon Bourne Lodge No 9388, Guy Dunk – Ickenham Lodge No 5770, Brad Chick – Richmond Hill Lodge No 6698, Matt Erratt – Electron Lodge No 7527 (Team Leader) with the additional help of Peter Lawrence, Norman Moore Lodge No 7976 and Tim Wright, Uxbridge, Lodge No 7066 who assisted with the trailer.
The fair was well attended by locals and other visitors from elsewhere. There were many charities represented on the day with their respective stalls and stands.
It was a busy day with the “Ambassadors” answering numerous questions from the public, explaining what Freemasonry was about and the good work that the Province of Middlesex did in the community. Recruitment was also on the minds of those manning the trailer. Many people took away the information leaflets that were on display to read at their leisure, hopefully to follow up with enquiries about becoming a member. One visitor was so impressed with what he learned on the day that he filled out one of the ‘Interest Forms’ with all his details and asked if he could join there and then.
The day was an outstanding success and it was felt that those who had visited the stand had gained more knowledge about Freemasonry and the work that was done in the community.