The Lifelites Appeal to provide virtual reality headsets and iPads for all of the 55 Lifelites hospices in the UK has been a resounding success, with Provincial Charity Steward John Briggs declaring “Mission Accomplished’. The Charity cares for children with life-limiting conditions and the success of the appeal will bring some joy into their lives in the most trying of circumstances. John said, “We have now reached our target of 55 Visual Reality headsets and 55 ipads for Lifelites. Well done and thank you all for your very kind donations. He particularly singled the fantastic achievement of W. Bro Martin Burt of Osterley Lodge No 6430 on his recent sponsored trek to Everest Base Camp in Nepal raising over £!3000 for Shooting Star Hospices and also the monies donated (£3475) by the Province of Middlesex to assist those in Syria and Turkey after the recent catastrophic earthquake.
In a letter of thanks to John Briggs, Starlites Chief Executive Rob Lightfoot thanks Middlesex masons for their generosity and explains the impact the success of the appeal will have. See below:
30 March 2023
Dear John,
Thank you and your brethren from Middlesex for choosing to support Lifelites work. Thanks to your combined efforts you have raised over £53,000 – enough for us to provide special iPads and Virtual Reality headsets for children using every hospice service across the British Isles including children with life-limiting conditions accessing hospice services in Middlesex.

The Lifelites-donated Virtual Reality (VR) that your support will allow us to donate will give these young people the chance to travel to other countries, other worlds, swim with turtles or run along sandy beaches, all from the comfort of their hospice bed, wheelchair or as part of Hospice at Home services provided by our hospice partners. As you know, this technology is nothing short of amazing, and that is the experience that it provides.

Special iPads
We believe that every child with a life-limiting condition should be able to engage and interact with the people they love and enjoy the world they live in. The iPads your support will allow us to donate will come with drop proof covers and will be packed with special apps – there’s even an app to help non-verbal children communicate.They will be used by children in the hospice and will be taken by hospice at home care teams when they visit children in their own homes.

Talia’s story
One of the many children that we have been able to support thanks to you is Talia, whose mum wanted to thank you for what you have helped us to do for her daughter:
“Talia was born unresponsive and later got diagnosed with CHARGE syndrome, she is profoundly deaf and requires 24/7 one-on-one care and has a tracheostomy and is peg fed. Talia’s favourite piece of equipment is the Magic Carpet. She’s obviously drawn to this because it’s interactive with bright lights, but it’s particularly good for us because she can interact with her brother. Because she is profoundly deaf and non- verbal it is difficult for them to communicate, so playing together is a bit restricted. As her parent it’s really nice to watch Talia playing with these pieces of equipment. She’s so comfortable and has such a great time.” Gemma, Talia’s mum said, “thank you for your incredible support and for helping children like Talia to engage and interact with the people they love and enjoy the world they live in.
We are so grateful to you and your fellow Middlesex Freemasons. Your support has been unprecedented and has come at a time when we know the children need our support more than ever.
Yours sincerely
Rob Lightfoot