Bro. Bakul Shah may be limited in some aspects due to his blindness but that has not diminished in any way his passion for living and travel.
In the 2 weeks prior to his 2nd Degree he was enjoying the best of Argentina with his wife. After a few days in Buenos Aires, he then headed off to the coastal town of Ushuaia in the south to board a ship named
MV Fridtjof Nansen heading for Antarctica. After a couple of days at sea, they were transferred to an inflatable rib boat which took them to their landing point on Antarctica.
His first emotions were of nerves as he had to leave the rib boat which was enduring a choppy swell and then with aid from the ships’ crew was able get on to Antarctica via a rocky and icy landing area.
Once on terra firma, Bakul’s wife Samixa was able to describe the sights of penguins and seals and the vast uninhabited expanse. A further 5 days of sailing and stopping off at the many small islands within the Antarctica ice cape and listening to the stories about Captain Robert Scott and his rival Fridtjof Nansen of whom his journey ship was named after.
There was also whale spotting and Bakul was able to hear whales surfacing close by and spouting off their exhalation. The trip to and from Antarctica was 12 days and quite rightly after such exposure to the bitter coldness, Bakul needed a holiday with some sunshine so he and Samixa travelled further north in Argentina to experience the Iguassu Falls for a few days and which are located in the interior on the 3 way border with Paraguay and Brazil.
During this amazing trip there was one thing on Bakul’s mind, he couldn’t be late back to the UK as he was due to take his second step in Freemasonry at Nkokjonjeru Lodge.
Arriving back at Heathrow on the morning of the 22nd Bakul was concerned about jet lag perhaps affecting his attentiveness during this meeting which was happening just a day later, but he didn’t need to worry as his brethren rallied around and delivered a wonderful ceremony for him.
Fully adapting to Bakul’s needs the SD Bro. Dipesh Shah showed how patience really is a virtue and ensured that every step was taken with gentle pace and firm grip, the explanations throughout the ceremony by the officers but in particular the WM W. Bro Dipesh Shah and most especially in the SE Corner & working tools by Bro. Balbinder Chana and a virtuoso explanation of the Tracing Board by W. Bro. Rutvig Patel.
Also in attendance and keeping a watchful eye on the proceedings was the effervescent W. Bro. Mahendra Rajdev a founder member of the Lodge who turned 90 in November, the WM says the Lodge was looking forward to celebrating his 100th birthday in the future.
All in all a most memorable journey for Bro. Bakul Shah who has now journeyed not only to all 7 continents but also now to the middle chamber of King Solomons Temple. The evening was concluded in the best way possible with a wonderfully engaging festive board. The lodge committee are urgently planning the third step before Bro. Bakul spreads his wings for his next adventure.
Bro. Balbinder Chana, W.Bro Rutvig Patel, W.Bro Bharat Shah, Bro Bakul Shah & Bro. Dipesh Shah.