Installation Freemasons’ Hall on Monday 2nd October 2023

Provincial Grand Chapter Installationseated by 10.30 am Luncheon Grand Connaught Rooms
1.00 pm Provincial Grand Lodge Installation
seated by 3.30 pm Bookings for Attending and Dining are now closed.
Please contact the Provincial Office for further information.
Click HERE to Record your Apologies
Brethren and Companions,
I am now able to inform you that I have been advised by the United Grand Lodge of England and Supreme Grand Chapter that following the recent announcement by RW Bro Peter Baker regarding his retirement due to take effect on the 1st October 2023, the MW the Grand Master and 1st Grand Principal, MW Bro and ME Comp, HRH The Duke of Kent, KG has been pleased to appoint W Bro David Ian Allan, PSGD, Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master to the office of Pro Provincial Grand Master for, and Grand Superintendent in and over the Province of Middlesex.
The Installation meeting will be held at Freemasons’ Hall on Monday 2nd October 2023 and your attendance and that of members of your Lodge is requested.
Undoubtedly you and the Brethren of the Province will wish to thank RW Bro Peter Baker for his hard work and dedication over the past 5 years and wish him well in his retirement from office as we look forward to the celebrating the Installation of W Bro David Allan to the office of Pro Provincial Grand Master for, and Grand Superintendent in and over the Province of Middlesex.
W Bro David has been a Middlesex Mason for over 45 years and with this wealth of experience we look forward to the next few years under his leadership.
I look forward to seeing you at the Installation ceremony at Freemasons’ Hall on October 2nd.
Yours sincerely and fraternally,
Provincial Grand Secretary & Scribe E
Province of Middlesex