Reinventing Middlesex

Middlesex Guildhall, Parliament Square. Middlesex Guildhall, Parliament Square.

W. Bro Stan Marut PPrJGD, SLGR revisits an article published online in Mercury in 2020 where he wrote about the background to the former Middlesex Guildhall which has now become The Supreme Court –

It is important for us as Middlesex Masons to keep alive the name of Middlesex even though it no longer strictly exists as an administrative entity. There is still a propensity for people to use the suffix Middlesex in their address, although the post code will do. So, we might call Twickenham, Middlesex as well as Harrow and Uxbridge as being Middlesex also. Southgate seems fully immersed in the London postcode scheme by being in London N14. The name lives on in the names of former Regiments associated with Middlesex and also in the names of hospitals which still retain their Middlesex identity: North Middlesex, Central Middlesex and West Middlesex hospitals.

Memorial to the fallen of the Middlesex Regiment located at The Supreme Court formerly Middlesex Guildhall.

Recently, an email was received by the former Court Manager, Steve Jones, of the Middlesex Guildhall (2000 – 2006) who came across the web article written by Stan Marut and sent some material he had written by way of history which he has given permission for us to publish on our web pages. Not only a history of the Court, but also of the Middlesex Regiment (The Duke of Cambridgeshire’s Own). Access to these documents is by the links shown below.



Steve Jones has given permissions to reproduce and give access these documents which are attributable to him. This keeps alive our notion of Middlesex as an entity and as far as freemasonry is concerned endorses our history and masonic culture as a distinct Provincial Grand Lodge.

I have written at length on other aspects of Middlesex for the Provincial Media web pages and you are invited to browse using the links below:

Stained glass depicting Coat of Middlesex and the river boundaries of old MIddlesex. Stained glass depicting Coat of Middlesex and the river boundaries of old MIddlesex. Entrance to the Supreme Court Entrance to the Supreme Court
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