Remembrance Wreath Laying

Sunday 10th November 2024

We are quickly approaching Remembrance Sunday, which this year falls on 10th November 2024.

As in previous years, the Province is honoured to be able to take part in various parades around the Province to mark our respect for those brave men and women, in particular those who were Freemasons, who have given the ultimate sacrifice in serving our country.

The Provincial Grand Master, HRH RW Bro Prince Michael of Kent, GCVO, would be very pleased to have as many members of his Province as possible attend their local Remembrance Sunday parade or service in support of not just the fallen, but also the Provincial Representative and adopting Lodge.

This year, there is a total of 20 memorials where the Provincial representatives and adopting Lodges will be laying 20 wreaths on behalf of the Masonic Province of Middlesex, full details of which can be viewed on the list below.

Please be aware that updates may occur due to last minute changes, so please do check again prior to setting out, thank you.

Whilst attending, please do take pictures of the wreath laying and then send them directly to me at so that we can add them to the news page on the website.

Finally, I would like to thank you again for taking the time to attend, having Middlesex Masonry present and be so visible at these events helps promote our organisation and the good that we do.

With kindest regards,

Paul Sully PSGD
Assistant Provincial Grand Master


Venue Adopting Lodge Name & No. Address Time Meet / Time Provincial Rep Provincial Rank
Chipping Barnet 4203 – Hadley Highstone St Johns Church, Junc High Street/ Wood Street 10.30am At Church W.Bro Paul Huggins PA


Eastcote 8836 – Eastcote St Lawrence War Memorial, Field End Road 10.45am Abbotsbury Gdns for parade at 10.25 E Comp Chris Weeks PA


Edgware 3866 – Edgware War Memorial, High Street, Edgware 10.40am RBL, Heather Walk (off Hale Lane) 10.00am W Bro Daniel Graham Prov


Enfield 1237 – Enfield

4517 – Gothic

War Memorial after parade 2.30pm RBL HQ 2.30pm W Bro Michael Lavender Prov


Harefield 7417 – Harefield War Memorial, The Green, Harefield 3.00pm Assemble on the Green at 2.45pm W.Bro

Alfie Buckland

Prov G


In addition to the above, representatives from Harefield Lodge will lay a wreath at the Anzac Memorial in St Mary Church, Harefield at 11am.
Harrow 1310 – Harrow Temple in Unity Civic Centre 10.45am Civic Centre for parade at 10.15am W Bro Nigel Harris-Cooksley AGStB
Isleworth 5193 – Isleworth War memorial, London Road 11.00am RBL Club in North Street, Isleworth at 10.30am W Bro Ivan Chu Prov


Northwood 4994 – Northwood War Memorial, High Street 10.45am Assemble by War Memorial at 10.30am E Comp John Eynon Dep


Pinner 3423 – Pinner War Memorial, High Street 10.40am Assemble by War Memorial at 10.30am W Bro Howard Walters PProv


Richmond 2032 – Richmond War Memorial, Whittaker Avenue 10.45am Old Deer Car Park at 10.15am W Bro Nigel Codron PA


Ruislip 9125 – Ruislip St Martins War Memorial, High Street 10.40am Ruislip Station for parade at 10.15am W Bro Paul Sully AProv


Shepperton 8611 – Shepperton War Memorial, High Street 10.45am War Memorial at 10.30am RW Bro David Allan Pro


Southgate 4368 – Borough of Acton St Andrews Church, Chaseside 11.00am St Andrews Church at 10.40am E Comp Peter de Wolfe 2nd


Staines 4278 – Twickenham War Memorial, Market Square 11.00am War Memorial, Market Square, Staines W Bro Robert Rough AProv


Twickenham 9940 – Middlesex Armed Forces War Memorial, Radnor Gardens 10.45am The Embankment, Twickenham at 10.30am W Bro Ian Ferguson AProv


Uxbridge 5304 – Ansgar

6565 – Northolt

Uxbridge Peace Memorial 10.55am Salvation Army Hall, Cowley Road at 10.00am W Bro Hugh Saville PProv


Wembley 4529 – Sudbury War Memorial, QE Gardens, Barham Park 2.30pm Barham Park opposite Cadet Centre at 2.00pm W Bro Warren Gell AProv


HDMC Centre Management Harrow District Masonic Centre HDMC                    11th November W Bro David Rubin Centre


TDMC Centre Management Twickenham District Masonic Centre TDMC                    11th November W.Bro Paul Darling-Wills Centre



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