Heston Lodge No 4888 held its meeting on 1st May and it was a very special day for W/Bro Robert Rough PSGD APGM, as his son in law, Bro Stephen Dimon, was initiated into the Lodge. Robert has known Stephen for over 15 years who has attended many Ladies weekends here in UK, Spain and also Italy and met many members of various lodges. W. Bro Robert said, “Over these last 15 years I have always said to him, ‘Join Freemasonry when you are ready’ and so last November he indicated that the time was right for his joining, one which I and the lodge members all agreed would be a memorable occasion.”
64 members and guests attended the meeting, and the Lodge was honoured by an official visit by its APGM, W. Bro Paul Sully PSGD, accompanied by his escorting Officer, W. Bro Frankie Whelan-Mellor ProvDepGDC and other Provincial Officers. Heston Lodge was also privileged with presence of a number of the Provincial Executive past and present together with a special guest from the Province of Surrey W. Bro John Lake PSGD APGM
The WM vacated the chair in favour of W. Bro Bob Rough who initiated his son in law assisted by Bro Lee Baigent the candidate’s uncle who presented the North East Corner. Bro Lawrence Watmore presented the First Degree working tools and Bro Tony Slark the Ancient Charge. 64 brethren dined at the festive board and the atmosphere was extremely friendly, warm and at times loud, just the way it should be.