Royal and Select Masters

The Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of England and Wales and its Districts and Councils Overseas was formally constituted on 29 July 1873 by four Councils chartered just two years earlier by the Grand Council of New York.

They organised themselves into a Sovereign body under the Patronage of the Rev. Canon G.R. Portal, a Past Grand Master of Mark Master Masons, who was Installed as the Grand Master of the Order. By the turn of the century there were Twenty Seven Councils and a similar number Consecrated by the end of the second world war. The Order then grew rapidly with the number on the Roll at the end of 2013 being over 250 Councils.

R.Ill.Comp. Christopher Gibson Lewis. District Grand Master.

The Degrees in the Order – four in total – are often referred to as the ‘Cryptic Degrees’, and the Order sometimes as ‘Cryptic’. The ceremonies complete the Solomonic legend as they prove the essential link between the Degrees of Mark Mason, the Raising in Craft, and The Royal Arch.

To qualify to join, you must be a subscribing member of the Craft, Royal Arch and Mark Degrees.

The District Grand Master for Middlesex is R.Ill. Comp. Christopher Gibson Lewis and the District Grand Recorder is Ill Comp Tony Gorman.

NoVenueCouncilMeeting Dates
100TwickenhamRiverside Council3rd Sat Apr, 3rd Sat Sept (I)
123UxbridgeArthur Hollins2nd Thur Mar, 2nd Wed Jun, 2nd Mon Sept (I)
152HarrowGauntlet2nd Mon in Jan, Oct (I), 3rd Mon in June
159TwickenhamTwickenham4th Sat in Mar (I); 1st Sat Jul, 3rd Sat Nov
171UxbridgeStaines3rd Sat Mar & Jun (I), 4th Sat Sept
183ChingfordSouthgate3rd Mon Feb, 1st Tues May, 1st Mon Nov (I)
339UxbridgeBrunel1st Thurs April (I), 4th Thurs in Oct

For further details about membership of the Order or for a referral to one of the Councils listed above, please contact the District Grand Recorder

Tony Gorman


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