Provincial Communications Team member W. Bro Stan Marut PPrJGD SLGR reports on the final meeting of Parsifal Lodge.
Parsifal Lodge No 5655 performed its last Act on Friday 29th November 2024 when the Warrant of the Lodge was surrendered. These are always occasions to be regretted. However, it does provide an opportunity to reflect on the relatively long history of the Lodge and to recall some of the finer moments at a different time when the Lodge prospered.
The Lodge was originally based in central London and met at the Piccadilly Hotel. Consecrated in 1937 it subsequently changed its venue to Freemasons’ Hall before moving to the Province of Middlesex in 1975. This was brought about by the fact that many members lived close to Cole Court, and it made sense to meet locally.
The name Parsifal stems from the Medieval Grail Romance “Parzival” written by Wolfram von Eschenbach in the early 13th century which ultimately led to the Opera by Richard Wagner. Parsifal Lodge was sponsored by the Sterndale Bennet Lodge No 2182 named after the British composer who lived from 1816 until his death in 1875. The new Lodge with this musical connection took the name Parsifal. For those who are familiar with Richard Wagner’s operas will know that this was his final major operatic work performed in 1882. He died a year later in 1883.
The final business of the Lodge was to dispose of its assets including Lodge furniture as well as making contributions to several charities who each received £750. The Lodge library books were donated to the Provincial library at Harrow Masonic Centre. After this was completed the Lodge Secretary, W. Bro Derek Partridge PPrJGW, gave a brief outline of the latter-day history of the Lodge.
W Bro Derek mentioned that the history of the Lodge could be found in his newsletter “The Holy Grail” which he began to edit in 2005. The Lodge had been associated not only with a musical heritage but in latter years became known for the number of Honda Goldwing motorcycles owned by members of the Lodge and the Goldwing Club of Great Britain who were invited to parade their machines at both Harrow and Twickenham masonic Centres. He recalled an occasion when the Pro Provincial Grand Master at the time, RW Bro David Conns was driven around the car park of TDMC on a Goldwing whilst his wife had the pleasure of riding on a Goldwing Trike to great applause.
Later the interest turned to classic cars which included a 1954 MG TF owned by W. Bro Derek similar to the one shown below.
Parsifal Meets The Flying Dutchmen
The Lodge also had a fraternal connection with De Heoksteen Lodge 241 based in the Netherlands. De Hoeksteen means Corner Stone. Members of this Lodge attended several Burns Nights at Parsifal Lodge including that held on the 24th January 2020. This event would be interrupted by the arrival of Covid. Regrettably, the event due to costs was becoming expensive and was never revived. The News team did report on the final Burns night held in 2020 and here is an extract;
“80 people attended and the Dutch brethren came dressed in long tail jackets adding a bit of panache. The Lodge opened briefly and was then closed after which the ladies were admitted with other guests. The Lodge Secretary W. Bro Derek Partridge gave a series of talks about the Highland Clans. There followed the British National Anthem and to honour the visitors from the Netherlands the Dutch National Anthem. At this point the guests were given a demonstration of how a Lodge is closed, that is the procession out. In this instance the Dutch Worshipful Master and his Lady were included in the procession.”
The Final Curtain
At this point in the evening the Lodge received W. Bro Warren Gell, PPrJGW, Assistant Provincial Grand Master. The Lodge was then closed and the Warrant of the Lodge surrendered to the APGM.
Albeit a sad occasion, all members of the Lodge have found new homes in the Province to continue their freemasonry. These are the Lodges who would receive joining members from Parsifal Lodge: Ariel Lodge No 5596, Richmond Hill Lodge No 6698, Votary Lodge No 7126, Malines Lodge No 8740, Teddington Lodge No 4528 not to mention Middlesex Masters No 3420.