A talk given at the Temple of Athene Lodge No 9541 on Monday 11th December 2023 by W. Bro Stan Marut PPrJGD SLGR – Media Team News Editor.
Our masonic ritual throws up some words and phrases which we often accept as being what they are: something to remember when performing ritual, but not necessarily investigated to see whether there is some especial meaning to be elucidated. One such phrase is the instruction in the 2nd Degree Charge for the candidate to be “permitted to extend his researches into the “Hidden Mysteries of Nature and Science“. What could this possibly mean?
The talk looked at the early days of Premier Grand Lodge freemasonry in the early 18th century when many new freemasons were members of the Royal Society and Newtonian science was much in vogue. This early period `was very much part of the new “Age of Enlightenment” when the pursuit of knowledge was based on reason. Regular Masonic lodge meetings would now include self-improving lectures and topical discussion on scientific matters. It was not difficult to see how these scientific truths would become part and parcel of a new ritual where we are charged to seek out these truths and mysteries, which at the time were ground breaking in terms of understanding the nature of the Universe and how the Great Architect had designed it all. Or was there an essential underlying meaning?

Dr Hemming – A Middlesex Mason Given that Science was very much the preoccupation of speculative freemasons at that time, the speaker looked to see when and where the precise ritual words might have come to the fore. This was not an easy task as generally there were no ritual books to examine apart from some exposures of masonic ritual which had been published both in the USA and in England. However, the particular words were being searched for seemed to have entered our masonic vocabulary possibly at the time of Dr Samuel Hemming, the headmaster of Hampton School and one time member of Lodge of Harmony No 255, a Middlesex Lodge founded before the formation of the Province of Middlesex. It was Hemming who was charged with the task of consolidating the ritual of the two Grand Lodges, Ancients and Moderns, which was undertaken in the Lodge of Reconciliation when it came into being in 1814, a year after the UGLE was constituted. This Lodge was entrusted with the promulgation of a pure and unsullied system of freemasonry by way of an authorised ritual.
Another latter-day Freemason, Professor Charles C Lawrence, said in his book, The Key to Modern Freemasonry that, “from the words in the ritual there can be no doubt that the Founders felt that in order to understand the purpose of life, the ultimate destiny of man and the ethos of freemasonry there was a need to strive continuously to comprehend the mysteries of nature and science”. This was a promising start to the subject matter being researched. However, he subsequently asked whether these Hidden Mysteries of Nature and Science have been found. Indeed, he says, “is it possible to find something that is both hidden and a mystery and even if believed to have been found how would we know whether they are the originals?”
Geometry – A Constant Factor
Geometry seemed to be a constant factor in the quest to understand the nature of freemasonry and really emphasised the “Science” aspect of the speaker’s quest for answers. From the American “Duncan’s Ritual of Freemasonry” published in 1866 the following words would very much qualify this, “By geometry, we may curiously trace nature through her various windings to her most concealed recesses. By it we discover the power, the wisdom, and the goodness of the Grand Artificer of the Universe, and view with delight the proportions which connect this vast machine. By it we discover how the planets move in their different orbits and demonstrate their various revolutions. By it we account for the return of the seasons, and the variety of scenes which each season displays to the discerning eye. Numerous worlds are around us, all formed by the same Divine Artist, and which roll through the vast expanse, and are all conducted by the same unerring law of nature. A survey of nature, and the observation of her beautiful proportions, first determined man to imitate the Divine plan, and study symmetry and order. This gave rise to societies, and birth to every useful art. The architect began to design, and the plans which he laid down, being improved by experience and time, have produced works which are the admiration of every age”.

The speaker then considered the state of science and discovery and the incredible advances made in the last 200 years. Was modern science that which we as freemasons were expected to explore. But this wouldn’t necessarily be a particular masonic attribute being a trait open to all men and women who were non masons. He continued, “However, when we consider the amazing exploration of space which has been afforded by various probes, in particular the Hubble Telescope and more recently the James Webb Space Telescope producing fantastic images of how the Universe developed we are now able to look at the Universe some billions of light years away – to look at galaxies that have formed and have subsequently died. Might we say that it will enable us to see the possible origins of the Universe; virtually the Throne of God itself”?
Masonic Esotericism
However, this wasn’t the path that would lead to a clue to the precise secrets that appeared to be elusive. Then he examined some other research which looked at attributes of freemasonry not properly understood. By this he meant masonic esotericism which some may find difficult to comprehend. One author, Michael Schiavello, had written in detail about what he perceived as a hidden brain science of freemasonry. He believed that the characters met in masonic ritual, symbolism and the various lectures are signposts directing one to the potentialities of one’s consciousness. He says that King Solomon’s Temple is in fact you, especially the brain. Freemasonry apparently holds all the answers to all questions about the quest for self-discovery when identifying the clues and discovering the hidden truths concealed beneath words and symbols. He considered that freemasonry was an interior work and that it was the internal qualifications of man and not the external ones that freemasonry regards. Essentially, it would be the spark to raise a man’s lower consciousness to a high consciousness and connect with the presence of the Divinity within himself. The alternative was to “float on the surface and immerse oneself in the pageantry, the festive boards and the lectures on morals and goodwill”. This was not expressed nor implied as a criticism of the way that a large majority of us are, but for others there may be a more intense experience of freemasonry. This approach gave a new dimension to the subject of the Lecture.
A prominent Italian Mason, Fabio Venzi, has written at length on freemasonry, particularly the relationship with alchemy, but not in the transformation of base metal to gold or silver, but more in a metaphysical sense. The “hidden mysteries” of nature and science are nothing to do with the Hubble or James Webb Space Telescopes but indicate a metaphysical knowledge. In modern philosophical terminology, metaphysics refers to the studies of what cannot be reached through objective studies of material reality. Metaphysics might include the study of the nature of the human mind, the definition and meaning of existence, or the nature of space, time, and/or causality. Yet there still appeared to be a dichotomy; the exploration of the cosmos does have a resonance in our masonic understanding of our Great Architect Creator. Yet, when looking at the ritual words “even to the throne of God himself” does not modern cosmological science allow us to see how the Universe developed? Would we soon be able to see the moment of Creation as an image of an event billions of years ago? Indeed, is this concept made even more complex by the theory that there existed a dormancy of the Universe before big bang? Venzi has said that the spiritual pathway of a freemason is to reach that perfection which is an experience of the Divine. The symbolism of the Throne is intended to represent the dynamics of the mystical journey undertaken by the freemason.
These latter-day esoteric freemasons are the latest in a line of those who find a deeper symbolism and spiritual significance in masonic ritual and that the true purpose of masonic rituals, which must include words is to provide a framework for spiritual regeneration and personal transformation. Easier said than done perhaps.

However, Walter Leslie Wilmshurst wrote about esoteric freemasonry in his book published in 1922 – The Meaning of Freemasonry. Regrettably, not an easy read for those who are not of a like mind and said that the Second-Degree ritual in which our Hidden Mysteries of Nature and Science are to be found is purely a philosophical work involving deep psychological self-analysis and the Vital and Immortal Principle which we find later in the 3rd degree refers to Kingdom of Heaven which he suggests is found within you.
The Speaker said that there was much, much more but time and circumstance did not permit a further elucidation. So, had he found the hidden mysteries of Nature and Science? He said that when he first started the earlier part of this lecture his thoughts were more on an empirical approach to nature and science; that which had been discovered and that which could be seen. However, he was not sure that we all saw ourselves in the way that it had been expressed esoterically. But, by knowing ourselves as freemasons, he said, were we not already embarking on a journey of self-realisation, accomplishment, and attainment? Those who thought about freemasonry in a serious manner would be able to see the truths which are apparent here. Perhaps an understanding of Hidden Mysteries of Nature and Science allows us the space to consider both aspects, that is the physical and the metaphysical.
In conclusion he remarked that the writers of our ritual had left a wonderful legacy and as each age unfolded the ritual would still hold a magic both in its delivery and interpretation.
A fuller transcript of this talk may be had by joining the Temple of Athene Correspondence Circle. You will receive advanced notice of all Lectures and dates of subsequent Lodge Meetings at Harrow. Please email the Lodge Secretary W. Bro Ron Selby PPrSGW SLGR – irselby@virginmedia.com