The West Is The Best

August 23RD 2023, Mr. Simon Pearson, third from right. August 23RD 2023, Mr. Simon Pearson, third from right.

Middlesex Charity Initiative Yields A Result.

As a follow up to the Allan Pulford ride for Prostate Cancer last August (see Buckland’s Bikers), one of the non-Masons who was highly involved in both the planning and participation of the event, Mr Simon Pearson, was intrigued by the concept and camaraderie of the Buckinghamshire and Middlesex Masons who participated. His intrigue continued in Newquay, where the hosts Towan Lodge No 7684 gave a great welcome and a white table celebration with more than 100 in attendance including  VW Bro Jim Mitchell, Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex and also the Provincial Grand Master and other Provincial Dignitaries from Cornwall.

Simon Pearson is a close neighbour of another Middlesex Masons, W. Bro Dean Mortimer  who lives in Middlemarsh, Dorset and after the ride they got to chatting about Freemasonry and Simon quickly reached the decision to get on board, following which he reached out to Durnovarian Lodge No 8726 which meets in Dorchester, Dorset.

Thus, the stage was set and two Middlesex participants from the charity bike ride W. Bro Brian Shaw and W. Bro Martin Burt, together with 4 Buckinghamshire participants W. Bros Frank Byrne, Steve Acton, Mark Duncan, and W. Bro Matt Jarvis attended the initiation ceremony held on 4th April 2024.

W. Bro Dean Mortimer once again provided super accommodation for the visiting Brethren at his Hunter’s Moon Inn, a superb hostelry located about 20 minutes’ drive from the Masonic Centre in Dorchester. They received a great welcome from the Dorset brethren, a wonderful initiation ceremony followed by an excellent festive board which saw Bro. Simon Pearson join the fraternity on a most memorable evening.

April 24, Bro. Simon Pearson 4th from Right April 24, Bro. Simon Pearson 4th from Right
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