Tucking In At Twickenham

W Bro. Bro Sam Huxter, Events Coordinator for Middlesex Shooting Sports Lodge No 1702, provides a brief report on what turned out to be an exceptional BBQ Event at Cole Court on Friday 26th July which was the penultimate function at TDMC before the summer break.

Sam said, “I was asked as the new Lodge Events Coordinator to put together something for the members and our extended masonic family. Knowing our members passion for all things food related, what better than a BBQ at our masonic home at Cole Court. With a start time of 5.02pm as usual we were blessed with the support and attendance of over 100 people which included wives, children and non-masonic friends. The weather was perfect.

“The meat was locally sourced Aberdeen Angus, Venison, and Cracked Black Pepper Burgers, Wild Boar, Chicken and Apricot, Cumberland Sausages and by special request Halal Burgers and Halal Chicken Wings. There was a raffle to round off the evening with prizes donated by Lodge members which raised £460.00 together and together with the profit of £506.31 from the dining gave a grand total of £966.31. This sum will go to the Worshipful Master’s, RW Bro Peter Baker PProProvGM, chosen charity – The Country Food Trust. A very big thankyou is due to all those who supported the BBQ and an open invitation to the next event is extended to all. We hope to have the pleasure of your company”.


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