Two’s Company

W. Bro Paul Sully APGM PAGSwdB presenting a 60-year Certificate to W. Bro Jim Salmon PPrJGW. W. Bro Paul Sully APGM PAGSwdB presenting a 60-year Certificate to W. Bro Jim Salmon PPrJGW.

Crecent Lodge No 788 adapts to change.

Like many other Lodges in UGLE there is doubt that the Covid pandemic has left its mark. This has shown in the levels of membership for some units. The anomaly is that some units are thriving with waiting lists to join whilst others languish. However, one mustn’t despair and masonry like other organisations will have its ebbs and flows. Looking back at those Lodges which formed part of the Middlesex Provincial family during their life span we can reminisce and cherish those times. Freemasonry must look forward to this period of change and think, as they say, “outside of the box” to see how as a Province we move forward in this 21st Century.

Crescent Lodge No 788 has had to consider what changes they might make given current membership levels of 12 subscribing and 3 honorary members. Short of surrendering the Lodge Warrant what else might be done? The age demographic of the Lodge does not lend itself to the dynamism of a Lodge of younger men. This is not a criticism, but an observation.

The members had a view that if the Lodge amalgamated, they might not “knit in” as such and never really become part of any new unit. This was an option but after some consideration and with advice from Brethren in the Province they decided that the way forward was to reduce the number of meetings from 4 to 2 per year and ensuring that a festive board was held after each of these meetings. It was described by a Lodge member as more like an Old Boys Club with all the members getting on with each other. Other masons in the Province in a similar position might consider such an arrangement a suitable option to continue their membership of the Province.

The Band Played On

Meanwhile the Lodge’s most senior member, W. Bro Jim Salmon PPrJGW was presented with a 60 Year Certificate and pin in July. However, Jim is no longer able to attend Lodge due to mobility issues. So as not to miss this important celebration a presentation of his Certificate was arranged to take place at his home with W. Bro Paul Sully APGM in attendance along with members of the Lodge and Jim Salmon’s daughter Pauline. It was obvious that W. Bro Paul had done his research and presented Jim’s involvement in freemasonry with stories that exemplified an illustrious career.

Members of Crescent Lodge present: WM W. Bro Paul Burcombe, W. Bro Richard Cannon, W. Bro Andrew Blackford, W. Bro Manny Seager and W. Bro Stephen Telling. With W. Bro Paul Sully and Jim's daughter Pauline. Members of Crescent Lodge present: WM W. Bro Paul Burcombe, W. Bro Richard Cannon, W. Bro Andrew Blackford, W. Bro Manny Seager and W. Bro Stephen Telling. With W. Bro Paul Sully and Jim’s daughter Pauline.

On the charity front the Lodge has been active with its share of the MPRF fund (£500) going to the Shooting Star Hospices Charity. Other monies await distribution to good causes and once the WM has recovered from his broken shoulder there will be a further report on this.

The reduction of the number of meetings from 4 to 2 seems a reasonable compromise given the circumstances of the Lodge membership. At least the flag is still flying but inevitably freemasonry will remould, and new units will be created which will cater to special interest groups. This is already happening with the Formula 1 Lodge in Metropolitan Grand Lodge and other Lodges which bring together those that have a common interest i.e., scouting, shooting sports and real ale. Whatever, these changes must be welcomed as we embrace freemasonry in its 4th century. We have been around a long time and evolution is the keyword.

L-R: W. Bro Richard Cannon and W. Bro Mick Pullin with donation for Shooting Star Children's Hospices. L-R: W. Bro Richard Cannon and W. Bro Mick Pullin with donation for Shooting Star Children’s Hospices.
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