If Elvis Presley had been a Freemason, then the title of his 1958 hit might have been “Won’t you wear my Cable Tow around your neck”. The hit title referring to a ring around your neck meant a young man would ask his girlfriend to wear his ring to show that she belonged to him in a romantic way. Our masonic cable tow has its own meaning and last year we reported on an initiative by a Dorset Mason who would make Cable Tows to order in Lodge Banner colours – See
Strawberry Hill Lodge No 946 have now received their Nautical Cable Tow (shown above). This is unique to the Lodge, being adorned with their Banner colours. The Cable Tow will enhance future Lodge Initiations for both the Candidate and Lodge Members. Indeed, there is a case for purchasing two, especially for Double ceremonies. The Lodge is planning to use the new cable tow at their meeting on 3rd April 2024.
W. Bro Brian Barton PGStB, a member of Loyal Manor Lodge No.6445, is currently working on a charity project in support of Dorset Provincial Festival 2025.
Brian, an ex Royal Navy Chief Petty Officer, is making bespoke Nautical Cable Tows whichare made from seaman’s knots to which is attached Masonic significance. They are fully functional and are able to adorn Candidates for years to come. Loyal Manor Lodge offer to present Lodges with their own Nautical Cable Tow. This may be White, signifying purity and innocence or adorned with Lodge Banner, Service, Unit, Regiment, or School “colours”. The Nautical Cable Tow comes together with the presentation words and a list of supporting Lodges (+500) in return for a donation to the Masonic Charitable Foundation Charity.
Should you wish to enquire about a Nautical Cable Tow your own Lodge then please contact Loyal Manor Lodge: loyalmanorlodge.org