You can see for Miles and Miles and Miles

L to R: Bro Charles Miles, W.M. W. Bro Don Miles PAGDC and Bro Henry Miles L to R: Bro Charles Miles, W.M. W. Bro Don Miles PAGDC and Bro Henry Miles

Good things come in threes, it has been told and has a definite positive connotation. In Latin it sounds even more grand – “omne trium perfectum” and a similar concept was apparently promulgated by Confucius in 500 BCE. It seems that in Chinese culture the number three is considered to be lucky as the pronunciation is similar to the word meaning “alive”.

However, the Brethren of Electron Lodge No 7527 are graced with having three members of the same family in the Lodge and on Saturday 15th April the Worshipful Master, W. Bro Don Miles PAGDC, was pleased to Raise to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason his son, Brother Henry Miles, whose twin Brother Charles is also a member of the Lodge. Both sons are keen to progress their careers in freemasonry.

At the same meeting W. Bro David West PPrSGD who had been initiated in Electron Lodge in 1984 was made an honorary member. He had been the Master of the Lodge in 1992 and again in 1998, Stranger than fiction, perhaps, but his brother W. Bro Paul West PProvGSuptWks is also a member of the Lodge.

An especial meeting, no doubt, and it is always good to have a connection with the past and W. Bro George Douglas PProvAGDC, son of one of the Founding Members was also present, not to mention an unofficial visit by the Lodge VO W. Bro Allan Pulford PProvSGW.

Electron Lodge

The Worshipful Master of Electron Lodge W. Bro Don Miles PAGDC, congratulates W. Bro David West PPrSGD on becoming an honourary member. He is shown together with his brother W. Bro Paul West PProvGSuptWks and W. Bro George Douglas PProvAGDC.

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