Your Masonic Centre Needs You.

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W. Bro David Pearson PAGDC PProvGSec reports on the opportunities to participate in the management of your masonic centre as a volunteer.

We all visit our Masonic Centres regularly, if only to attend Lodge or Chapter meetings, and I am sure each one of us has at one or other time thought “this Centre would be better if …..”.  But how much thought do we give to how the Centres are managed, by whom and what is involved.

The Harrow Centre has recently issued its latest newsletter to all the units that meet there and has challenged their members to think “if it’s got to be, it’s got to be ME”, because the Centre is run by a management team of volunteers.

The existing management manpower is not getting younger and needs fresh blood and energy to implement the bold plans it has to upgrade the internal facilities and décor.  It is therefore appealing for volunteers who can spare time to make a difference.  There is an extensive “to-do” list which requires various skills.

Volunteers will not only be welcomed; they will also get the satisfaction of making a difference and gaining new friends.  So, if you have experience in organising events, are IT literate, have copywriting skills, want to help in nurturing newer Masons, some practical DIY skills, get in touch with the Harrow Centre through:

Gerry Inow: 07393 955094: or

David Rubin: 0208 907 1341 – option 6;

External Booking Services

Our Masonic Centres cannot thrive on Masonic functions alone.  They also need all the additional income they can generate from external sources, which goes a long way towards providing an attractive ambience and service level for their Masonic customers.  To this extent all Middlesex Masons are urged to act as ambassadors for our centres.  If you hear of someone looking for space to hire for functions and events, suggest to them that they make enquiries at one of the Centres.  Private hire is a vital component of the Centres’ income and keeping the cost of our Lodge meetings down.

Additional Income Streams for Charitable Purposes

Centres also have collections of second-hand and new regalia, which they offer for sale to raise significant amounts for charity donations.  There are also collections of used equipment such as printer cartridges, old mobile phones to raise money for charities.

Other purchases available from Centres are ties, gloves and ritual books for Craft and Royal Arch.  We should all make as much use as we can of facilities offered by our Masonic Centres.

Don’t forget – “if it’s got to be, it’s got to be ME”

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