One might be forgiven that the context of the headline might be in respect to the Ancient & Accepted Rite, because of the number of Degrees in that Rite. No, it is in context of the magnificent effort yet again were W. Bro Dean Mortimer of Lest We Forget Lodge No 7222 completed his latest fund raising endeavour by cycling 33 miles every day in September.
Dean having learned that 33 men per day are diagnosed with prostate cancer, he decided to undertake to ride the equivalent number each day of September and has raised in excess of £5,500 for the campaign to bring awareness to Prostate Cancer and the charities that do research and screening. He has learned that two of his supporters have since been diagnosed and treated. Both Prostate Cancer Research and CHAPS, who provide PSA Testing, will benefit. It should be noted that the Province has assisted in rolling out PSA Screening for Middlesex Masons and lives have been saved. Of that there is no doubt.
This is Dean’s fifth event for charitable causes, and he is now planning to use a rowing machine to simulate rowing the length of the Jurassic Coast in Dorset where he lives and works.