A report by W. Bro Ian Foster, Secretary of Hegeston Lodge No 5220.
Saturday 2nd of December 2023 was a significant day in the history of Hegeston Lodge No 5220 both for our senior and newer members. Not only did we have the pleasure of W. Bro Bob Rough PSGD APGM and W. Bro Gareth Lewis DepPrGDC attending the meeting to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our Worshipful Master, W. Bro Peter Miller joining the Lodge, it was also the date we initiated our latest member Bro Alex Bucur.
The Lodge is looking forwards to its 100th anniversary in a few years’ time and W. Bro Peter is the link between the Lodge as it was then and how it is now. Several of the founding members were still attending when he joined the Lodge, so he is well informed on the changes that have taken place, both within our Lodge and Freemasonry in general.
During the meeting Peter was presented with a commemorative certificate and lapel badge from the APGM accompanied by a very apt retrospect of his career, both personal and Masonic with the areas covered being both interesting and humorous. This can be found by using this link.
After accepting the awards from Province, and a further certificate from the Lodge, W. Bro Peter graciously thanked everyone present, and spoke about his personal journey and how he had joined a local Lodge with his brother, and again mentioned the changes that he had seen in both member diversity, but also in the much more light hearted atmosphere within the Lodge. His overall view was that he felt Freemasonry is now more inclusive and comfortable than it was at the beginning of his Masonic journey.
The initiation of Bro Bacur reflected this modern ethos, with many parts of the ceremony carried out by younger and newer members of the Lodge who brought the same enthusiasm to the meeting that they bring to LOI.
Bro Bacur also had the great experience of his formal introduction and first step in Freemasonry being delivered by an exceptional Master and ritualist, welcomed into our Lodge and the Province by our very amenable APGM and the surprise of being asked to reply to his toast at the Festive board.