Annual General Meeting 2024

The Report

W. Bro Frank O’Keefe PPrSGD provides his take on the proceedings.

The annual assembly of brethren attending the Middlesex Provincial Grand Lodge Annual General Meeting was preceded by the gradual build-up of the Brethren who descended on the cafes and bars in Great Queen Street. After these early morning victuals, they assembled in the Grand Temple, where they felt relaxed and comfortable, especially if they had attended the superb spectacle of a Provincial AGM before. But for those attending for the first time, especially those receiving a first appointment, or having been selected to parade in with their Lodge banner, I suspect the anticipation and nervous energy might have been a little more than those affected may have been prepared to show.

After the usual safety and household notes, the first procession entered into Grand Lodge, with some 800 Brethren standing to order to receive them. This included the PProProvGM RW Bro David Cons which was followed by the procession of the current WMs of Lodges in the Province, Active Officers, and then the distinguished guests. The Pro PGM then opened Provincial Grand Lodge. What a rousing sight it was to see 800 pairs of hands clapping in unison, 800 voices singing the Opening Ode together and the same 800 pairs of hands saluting the RW Pro ProvGM. What we take for granted in our Lodges becomes a completely different spectacle in such a splendid setting, and with such numbers participating.

And finally, newly raised Master Masons with their Lodge banners, who processed in and took their places behind the distinguished guests from other Provinces, their banners forming a fitting backdrop to the activities. The Pro ProvGM then asked all current Masters to stand and be greeted by all. A very proud moment for them all, I’m sure.

The RW Pro Provincial Grand Master, David Allan, then read out the names of those very distinguished brethren who had passed to Grand Lodge above, along with a reminder that the names of all the brethren who had passed during the past year could be found in the Order of Proceedings. A moving hymn was sung by the brethren present, and a prayer in memoriam was read by the Provincial Grand Chaplain.

Distinguished Provincial Grand Masters and members of their Executives were welcomed, and the Prov. Grand Secretary confirmed that all of the lodges of the province were represented.

The regular business of the Provincial Grand Lodge was despatched. The Provincial Grand Treasurer Kanti Mistry PAGDC (FCA) was confirmed as re-elected, and the Provincial Grand Secretary read out the names of those re-elected to office in Provincial Grand Lodge.

John Leggett was presented with a Past APGM’s collarette and jewel and thanked for his many years of distinguished service to the Province.

The Provincial Grand Secretary read out the names of those reappointed to office in Provincial Grand Lodge, which can be found on the Provincial website.

Provincial Executive

New APGM Warren Gell PProvJGW was then obligated, appointed and invested by the Pro Provincial Grand Master.

The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W. Bro Mark Millard, called the Deputies and Assistant Provincial GDC’s to take post, and all of the reappointments, appointments and promotions were taken individually by the Stewards, and presented to the RW Bro David Allan.

At this point it would be appropriate to mention the Stewards, and many were in attendance, and without whom the smooth running of the day could not have been accomplished. They all had a very long day, getting there early in the morning to set up the temple, rehearse their duties during the ceremony, and acting as information points for those attending Grand Lodge for the first time.  One should not forget all of the other often overlooked brethren who work tirelessly in the background, such as W. Bro Barry Stedman, PPJGW, who stood at the back of Grand Lodge in a quiet corner, looking after the sound system, ensuring that the words of all of the Executive on the dais were transmitted clearly and audibly to the brethren.

To conclude the meeting the Pro Provincial Grand Master gave his Address to the Province.

His first words were of congratulation to all those who had been promoted and who had received first appointments. He mentioned the new Provincial website which had been completely redesigned and updated with many useful and enhanced features.

A new committee, the 1870 committee (the date the Province was founded) had been set up under the auspices of W. Bro Nigel Codron PSGD PAPGM, with the aim of organising social events not just for the members of the Province, but would include family and friends alike. The first of these events was scheduled for Saturday 6th July at the Great Cockcrow Railway at Chertsey, with a barbecue, other activities and, of course, train rides for all. Watch out for the announcements.

Perhaps the best news of all was the announcement that the Province was turning the corner with regard to declining membership numbers, which has affected so many Lodges since the pandemic. There had been a net increase of 31 members across the Province since December, and not one of the many who were initiated in 2023 had resigned.

Pro Provincial Grand Master’s Address

And to round up the day, there was a very pleasant festive board, with tables bursting with conversation as new acquaintances were made, new contacts and friendships forged, old friends greeted, and the farewell refrain was lived out in every sense:

Happy to meet,

Sorry to part

Happy to meet again.

Photo Galleries

Early Doors Gallery

Rehearsals Gallery

Grand Parade Gallery

Temple Gallery

Parade Out Gallery

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Festive Board Gallery

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