W Bro Stan Marut PPrJGD SLGR, Communications Team Member, reports on the Provincial Prostate Cancer Screening Programme 2022-2024
The Enemy Within or Secret Invader, is perhaps the most feared disease for mature men as it has no outward signs initially and when symptoms develop then it may be a question of immediate remedy to prevent a life threatening situation. It is estimated that there are 56000 new cases every year and 13000 deaths in the UK from this wretched disease. Prostate Cancer is the commonest cancer in men and the second most prevalent cause of male cancer deaths. However, unlike other NHS initiatives for the early detection of other cancers, there is still no National Screening programme for Prostate Cancer. The Charity CHAPS which is concerned with Prostate Cancer screening undertook the testing on behalf of the Province between 2022-2024 and produced a summary of results. CHAPS conduct testing in 10 Masonic Provinces.
The Middlesex Results
Screening commenced in 2022 with two events which took place at Twickenham and Harrow. Initially 474 Brethren were tested. There have been further annual follow up events for those who were considered high or intermediate risk. During this period there were 8 cancers detected, and those individuals were referred to their GP for further investigation which might include referral to a specialist urologist and a MRI Scan of the prostate. Indeed, there might also be a biopsy of the prostate gland under local anaesthetic to rule out of the presence of cancer. Some instances of success amongst several of our brethren has already been reported and those whose lives were ostensibly saved by taking part in the screening programme, will provide testimony to this, no doubt.
What Happens Next?
It is hoped that there will be an ongoing participation in the Province as essentially there needs to be a rolling programme of testing and re-testing for those at risk, as well as newer brethren who have yet to be examined. Reliance on having this PSA test done at GP level is fraught with difficulty as many GPs decline requests for testing and advise their patients not to test until the symptoms arise. This, we know already, may prove the difference between life and death.
Members of the Province have been extremely generous in supporting the Charity since it started working within the Province and many events have contributed to the cause of Prostate Cancer testing. CHAPS has saved lives. To quote a small extract from the Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5, “whoever saves one life saves the world.” Essentially this phrase emphasises the value of life in the eyes of the Great Architect of the Universe. CHAPS can do this.
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