Clutter Clean Up At Harrow

Members of Citadel Lodge 1897 with W. Bros Paul Sully PAGSwdB APGM and Frankie Whelan-Mellor PProvDepGDC. Members of Citadel Lodge 1897 with W. Bros Paul Sully PAGSwdB APGM and Frankie Whelan-Mellor PProvDepGDC.

On Saturday 28th October 2023 W. Bro Paul Sully PAGSwdB APGM accompanied by  W. Bro Frankie Whelan-Mellor PProvDepGDC attended Citadel Lodge No 1897 on an unscheduled visit.  The purpose of the visit was to thank the Lodge, particularly nine of its members, for all the works that they had completed to the grounds of Harrow District Masonic Centre. W. Bro Paul delivered a message of thanks from the Pro ProvGM RW Bro David Allan and the rest of the Provincial Executive as well as from all the Lodges that meet at Harrow.

The work completed so far include attention to the drains, manholes and roof rainwater pipes to the rear of PMK temple which have all been cleared and serviced. The front of the building flower beds and shrubbery have been prepared for the winter and cut back. A bike rack was also found which is now ready for use and other items of interest, but possibly not masonic, included 30 road cones.

All the road signs on the premises were cleaned and are clear for all to see through the trees. The car park drainage gullies were cleared around the perimeter of the front car park. But the biggest job and most thankless task of all was the litter collection, which blows in from everywhere around the grounds possibly due to the youngsters in the area making camps. These also need clearing up.

Future plans (December) are to clean the perimeter of the rear car park, more rubbish collecting and painting the locker room floor. Citadel Lodge are looking for more volunteers especially from other HDMC lodges for their next Volunteer Day on the 16th December and further dates next year.


Ian Homar HDMC Rep for Citadel Lodge reported that, “The more volunteers there are, the more we can do for the centre. It is great to meet Brethren from other lodges and the reward is the feeling of pride in our centre looking good and welcoming. However, a sausage in a baguette and a pint courtesy of HDMC is also very welcome”.


Anyone interested in helping out should contact Ron Clark the Secretary of Citadel Lodge on 07967 829353.


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