A New Knight Companion For Middlesex

L TO R: David White, PDepPGM Middlesex Mark, Silverio Ostrowski, Int Gen designate Middlesex, Bob Hancock, P. Int Gen. Surrey, Alastair Mason PProvGM, PGSupt (Middlesex), Gerry Pickering, PProvDC Middlesex Mark and Tony Miller PAGChap Mark.

The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine and Appendant Orders.

At the meeting of the Villiers Conclave No 9 on Wednesday 10th July 2024, the Order was very pleased to Install as a Knight Companion Alastair Geoffrey Mason the Past Pro Provincial Grand Master and Past Grand Superintendent of the Royal Arch in Middlesex.  The Order, it appears, was first established in England circa 1780. A fuller description and explanation of the meaning of the First Degree, Knight Companion, can be found in the book written by W. Bro Ron Selby PPrSGW SLGR entitled “What Next”, which is a guide to the additional degrees in freemasonry.

This Order of freemasonry requires Knights to be members of the Craft and Royal Arch and to have a belief in the Trinitarian Christian faith. The narrative to the Ritual is based on the life of Constantine the Great and his conversion to and promotion of the Christian faith across the Roman Empire.

Currently the Division of Middlesex comprises six Conclaves which meet at: Harrow, Twickenham, and Uxbridge. Five of the Conclaves meet twice a year and the sixth meets three times a year with an Annual Meeting which met recently at Twickenham on the 4th Saturday of July. Villiers Conclave No 9 meets at Twickenham twice a year having reopened as the Conclave for senior members of all the orders in the Province in Middlesex.

At the festive board that followed, Alastair Mason said it had been some years since he had joined a new Masonic Order and that he was very pleased to have done so on July 10th and looked forward to learning more about the Order and the Ceremony he had just experienced which he had greatly enjoyed.

Ed: The wonderful thing about freemasonry is that there is always so much more to learn and experience. Often the progression to a new Order will take many years but can be satisfying. Our daily increase in Masonic knowledge is not just confined to the Craft, but over the broader spectrum of freemasonry. Please use the link for more information on Ron Selby’s book – https://www.lewismasonic.co.uk/ron-selby

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