Sudbury Lodge – A Celebration


The following report was compiled by W. Bro Felix Matthew-Brown of Sudbury Lodge.

“On Monday the 19th of June 2023, members of Sudbury Lodge No 4529 celebrated the Centenary of the Lodge, exactly 100 years to the day of its Consecration on Tuesday the 19th of June 1923. The Lodge also chose to further mark the occasion with a new Lodge banner making it an event few masons would have seen before.  The meeting had been much anticipated and plans for the occasion had intensified since masonry in general had recovered from the restrictions of the pandemic.

Like many private lodges Sudbury Lodge has experienced a time of few initiates which resulted in a sparsity of work to do. But there have also been times of such interest that the Lodge has needed to plan double ceremonies. However, the last couple of years there has been no shortage of initiates and joining members, which has also meant we had brethren of all levels attending our wonderful Centenary, both members and guests from Entered Apprentices to Grand Officers.

The meeting having been meticulously planned by ProvGDC Mark Millard, DepProvGDC Frankie Whelan-Mellor and Lodge Secretary W. Bro. Peter Woolley, not only involved receiving the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro. Jim Mitchell and his Provincial Escort, but also involved the escorting of the new Lodge banner into the Temple for the banner dedication which was conducted by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W. Bro. Robert Rough.

The Lodge received the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro Jim Mitchell and his Provincial escorting team. He accepted the gavel and presided over the Centenary meeting which was conducted with light humour and involved the members in discussion and reflection on the history of the lodge. Am Oration was given by the Provincial Assistant Grand Chaplin Revd. Dr William Dolman, The Deputy Provincial Grand Master then individually greeted and presented the brethren of the lodge with their Centenary jewels.

Banner Dedication

At this time the W. Bro Robert Rough was invite to occupy the Chair and conduct the banner dedication.  Officers of the Lodge retired from the Temple and returned with the WM W. Bro Jason Gerrard and  escorted the banner back into the Temple.  W. Bro. Robert Rough proceeded to deliver the dedication and again a wonderful oration was given by W. Bro. William, the Provincial Assistant Grand Chaplin.

W. Bro Robert having invited W Bro. Jason to resume his rightful place in the Chair of King Solomon and other lodge officers having resumed their respective places, a motion was passed to make those Provincial Officers that had conducted the Centenary and Banner dedication ceremonies honorary members of the Lodge.  W. Bro Jason welcomed these Brethren as members of the Lodge and proceeded to individually present them with Sudbury Lodge Centenary Jewels.

Beautifully Dovetailed

Both ceremonies were dovetailed together beautifully and conducted with light humour to wonderful reception. This was to the delight and enjoyment of all those present.  A quick visit to the bar after the meeting and on to the festive board in a packed Harrow room, the menu carefully planned to be as close to that of the consecration meeting as possible. The raffle involved numerous prizes and raised £600 with some last-minute rounding up from the Immediate Past Master W. Bro. Raj Radia.

The WM, his Wardens, Officers and Brethren of the Lodge wish to thank all those who took part in the organisation of this very special meeting including those Provincial Officers who took part in a packed-out Prince Michael of Kent Temple at Harrow District Masonic Centre.”

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